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Hey guys! So I'd like to dedicate this one to trustmeyoureperfect because hey. You listen. You're one of the first who listen.
Anywayss... Here's the thing. trustmeyoureperfect GOT EEM


Everything is a blur. All I can think about is him. His sweater. His scent. His eyes. His height. His comfort. His personality. Even his hair. He cared about me. He glued me together even if it seemed I was far too broken. He was the butterfly on my wrist. He was the only real thing in my smile. He was always there for me. He helped even if he didn't know it. And he's gone now. It's like he just vanished. He picked up and left. I miss him so fu.cking much I just cant stand the hole inside of me when I'm without him. It's like I never even got to say goodbye

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