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Once upon a time
There was a little girl

This little girl had dreams
This little girl loved life.

This little girl grew older
And her life grew harsher

This little girl was beginning to loose hope that her life would ever get better

This little girl was sad
And this little girl's dreams vanished.

This little girl grabbed a blade and
This little girl drew a picture

But this little girls picture was red and the paper was white.

The little girls ink oozed from the paper
And this little girl grew sadder.

Once upon a time
This little girl grew up
To realize life sucks

This girl didn't have dreams
This girl hated life

This girl drew another picture
But this one wasn't pretty

This girl sliced and diced
But couldn't bring herself to die.

Sometimes I think of this little girl
And then I remember.
This little girl is me.

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