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For @ShawnsPanda !

"Sophie," Shawn quickly turned his head so he was looking at me. I raised my eyebrows slightly, waiting for him to continue his sentence, which seemed important, considering the eagerness in his voice. We should have a muffin eating contest." I rolled my eyes, smiling a little.

"You and those muffins," I laughed, pushing my hair out of my face. "Why a muffin eating contest?" Shawn just shrugged, keeping a smile on his face.

"I dunno, I just think it'd be fun. We all need a little competition sometimes."

"Whatever you say, Mendes." I giggled, and we got up from the bed before sprinting downstairs to the kitchen. Off the counter, Shawn grabbed the box of store bought, chocolate chip muffins, and grabbing two from the box; one for him, and one for me.

"Alright, whoever can eat their muffin first, wins." Shawn said, scooting my muffin in front of me. I nodded and he bang to count down. The muffins were a pretty decent size, which made me positive that he would win, even though neither of us had eaten much yet.

"Go!" He exclaimed, and we picked up our muffins, tearing the wrapper off before eating, too fast for my liking. Just as I thought, by the time I took my final bite, Shawn had his arms in the air, with a mouth-full of muffin.

"I win!" He shouted. I covered my mouth, laughing as I tried to keep the muffin inside of my mouth. "Now, I get kisses."

"Woah, woah, woah, slow your roll Shawn." I laughed, swallowing, putting my hands out in front of me. "I never agreed on kisses!"

Before I could "fight back", Shawn had already began planting sloppy kissed all over my face, making me giggle out of control.

"You're so cute, I love you Soph." He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled back at him, quickly pecking his soft lips.

"I love you too, Mendes."

Hey! So, this was my first imagine! I really hoped you liked it Sophie, thanks for requesting! (ShawnsPanda )

Thanks for reading, and remember to vote and comment!


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