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Sorry for the extreme lack of updates, but I changed my cover and I'm back so Hii!! And Tysm for 1k reads!!!

"Hello?" You picked up the phone with a smile, holding it firmly against your ear.

"Hey Y/N, I'm here." Karen, your boyfriend's mother's voice filled your ears, causing nothing but excitement to bubble up inside of you. Shawn was coming home from the 1989 tour today, and you're surprising him at the airport with his family, since he wasn't expecting to see you until the next day. As far as he knew, you were in Toronto with your family for the night.

"Oh, okay I'll be down in a second." You smile, throwing your bag over your shoulder and running down the stairs, hanging up the phone. You raced for the car, opening the door, and hopping into the passenger seat. It was just Mrs.Mendes and Aaliyah, since Shawn's dad was on tour with him.

"Hey guys." You waved back at Aaliyah, who smirked.

"Are you excited to se Shaaaawn." She teased, dragging out the 'a' in his name. You couldn't help the tiny blush that formed on your cheeks.

"Of course." You giggled quietly. The entire 20 minute car ride to the airport, you could only daydream about how you'd finally get to see Shawn again, hug him, and kiss him. Oh, how you've missed him since he's left.

Before you knew it, you were sitting with Karen and Aaliyah, waiting very impatiently for Shawn's plane to land. Fans were standing behind a rope, waiting almost as anxious as you were. Once his gate was called, I jumped up immediately, running up to the open doors.

"Yeah, I know. I'm so glad to be home." you heard Shawn's voice echoing throughout the long hallway, and once he came into view, ran up to him.

"Woa, who- oh my god, Y/N!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, picking you up from the groans, spinning you around. The scene earned multiple 'awe's' from fans and other people surrounding. "God, baby I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you to, ugh Shawn!" You squealed, burying your face into the crook of his neck.

"I thought you were in Toronto with your family?"

"I lied," you giggle, your arms around his waist, as you looked up at him. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Well it worked." He chuckled. You both turned your heads to the fans near the back, someone shouting, "ENOUGH WIGH THE CHIT CHAT, KISS HER ALREADY!" Shawn laughed, and looked at you with a smile, leaning down slowly before his soft, warm lips met yours, making your heart melt.

"I've missed this," you mumbled against his lips, allowing your eyes to close. "So much."

This sucked ass but I updated so hEy

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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