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Hello readers( if there are any)! My name is futbollover608, on WattPad at least. Anyway, I've been having an inspiration for this story for a while now. This will be my second story I've started here, and I plan on making it a long series with other parts as well, I can only hope that someone will stumble upon this and actually enjoy reading this. You might be surprised to hear that I actually got inspiration for this story from a YouTuber named CaptainSparklez. His "Mianite" series and the song "Find the Pieces" is where I got the idea for this story. No, I am not a seven-year- old little kid who's life is Minecraft, I'm just a huge geek who enjoys watching some of his content. Anyway, here's what you've been dreading for, the actual story.

Update: Ma name's Titankiller608 now, so yeah... Cool!

Oblivion. Massacre. Absolute ruin. That was what was left his castle. He was stuck between a war of two Gods, and being punished severely by siding with the wrong one. There were corpses left to rot throughout the kingdom, killed by the behemoths he once stood with. Three survivors were left, his infant son, wife, and worthless self.

Footsteps and heavy breathing were all that was heard in the hallway. He left his wife and son in a chamber the monsters hadn't found yet. He was running towards the priest's secret passageway. There was still a chance to fix his wrongdoings. The Demon God had not yet found him nor the chamber. Running through the hallway, a bomb exploded. He was thrown back against the side of the wall that hadn't been blown to bits. Rising up, he found the being he had feared most smirking maniacally at him.
"This is the end, old man, you have betrayed me, and now you will be puni-," The Demon's speech was stopped by a blinding flash of light. 
"Aggghhh! Dammit, that witch did it again!", he yelled out, blinded. The king knew what- no, who it was. The goddess had given him a chance, he had to fulfill his duty.
While running he heard the demon yell out hysterically, "It's too late, we've already found your wife and son! You're going the wrong way you fool!" 


He closed his eyes as tears streamed down his face and kept running. He found the entrance to the passageway and flipped the hidden lever. A series of complex functions set up a set of stairs, leading underground. He dashed down the stairs and ran down a tunnel leading to a dark room with a massive portal leading through it. He walked towards the portal and felt the smooth and extremely rare gemstone. His hands rubbed across the smooth object, he found what he was looking for.

The woman and toddler were standing in a dark room, tears streaming down the woman's face. The toddler, unknown to the fact he was a prince and his kingdom had been obliterated, looked at his mother and wondered why she was so drought. Had he done something wrong? Was this because he had accidentally nearly mortally injured one of the men that for some reason stood all around the house again? Were his "mommy" and "daddy" fighting again? Or was it something else?
He tugged at his mother's gown, "Mommy? Are you all right?"
She stopped crying and looked down at her son with a sad smile, "Yes, my baby, everything is going to be fine." she tried to hide her sadness from her tear-stricken face. Everything was most definitely not alright.
He started to reply, "You said going to be, what is happe-"
"CRASH!!", the wall had burst to shreds. Letting in hundreds of monsters wearing a variety of armor.
"Well, well what do we have here, a pathetic queen and her brat of a son.", he stared, grabbing a the little prince by the head.
"NO!!! Don't touch him! I'll do anything, put him back down!" She shrieked.
"The monster shrugged, grinning evily, "Alright, if you say so." He tossed the boy away, literally, and the prince lay crippled on the ground far to the left.
The group stepped forward, all smiling like maniacs, "Now, let's have some fun, shall we?"
The king grabbed one of the many magical stones inserted into the portal, and pulled with all of might, eventually, it popped out. He fell to the floor, but stood up quickly, knowing he had to get out. He opened a secret passage, one not even the Demon God knew of, and sneaked out, closing the trap door behind him.
Emerging from the hallway, he found himself surrounded by monsters. Fueled with pure hate, fear, and adrenaline, he found new strength, pulled out his sword and ran for the edge of the room, slashing through any monster in his wake.
Monsters turned, their faces filled with shock and terror. Then started closing in on him once they regained their composition. But he was already gone.
He ran across the balcony, a mob of warriors chasing after him. Already, the king could feel the massive wave of anger being emitted from the godly being. The Demon had found the chamber room, too bad the certain item he was looking for had one crucial ingredient missing. He jumped up at the ledge of the palace, high above the ground. Under him, the mass expanse of his kingdom, in ruins. He turned around, saluted to his castle, and allowed himself to fall. Surely to his death.



So, what do you think, how bad is it? I like it, and will definitely continue this story whether or not others do.

Please R/R!

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