Chapter 2

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Well on that note... Hey whoever's reading this, futbollover608 here! Here's chapter 2 of the story!

P.S. I'm gonna try putting in specific P.O.V.s starting this chapter, please let me know what you think!

Attention past self! It ain't ftblvrsx0ate no more! It's Titankiller608 now!

Raine's P.O.V.

"So what you're saying, is that you're leaving the task force, for some random child you've only known for a few hours...."

"No!... Well, actually... yeah, I guess so."I held her head down, scolding myself by not making a better excuse.

The councilor sighed, "Soldier, are you sure about this? We are in the middle of one of the bloodiest wars in elvin history. This is not one of the best times to quit."

"Yes sir, I know, but I feel drawn to this boy, I feel I must take care of him.."

"Oh alright. So, do you, Raine of the Moss Village of the Elves, Assault Officer of Squadron Twenty-Five, state your resignation as of now?"


"Alright, those who pass this agreement, say Aye" A chorus of disgruntled "Aye"s rang through the hall.

"You may take your leave."

"Thank you sir."

He smiled, "And take good care of the child, maybe he could grow to replace you."

My tenseness fell, "Thank you." She walked back to her home where here friend was taking care of the toddler.


Hugo's P.O.V.

"Hugo, Ambrielle! Come downstairs, dinner's ready!" I heard a voice call. Amber grabbed my hand, laughing. Soon we were flying down the stairs. I was split between laughing to death myself, confusion, and pure terror. Unfortunately, we tripped halfway down. Now tumbling instead of flying we landed at the bottom of the flight with her on top of me. Oh, and I also have to mention that her body wasn't the only thing on top of me. Her lips also happened to be smashed onto mine. Now, as a three-year-old toddler, I had absolutely no idea what was going on, but I think Amber knew, because as soon as she realized what happened, she jumped off me, her face as red as a tomato, and ran off.

One hour earlier...

Miss Raine and I were having lots of fun until she had to leave for some work, but before she left another tall lady and girl hiding behind her at the door. Miss Raine told me that I was having a play date and to be nice to them. I said I would and then she left after smiling and kissing me on my forehead.

The tall lady gave her a hug and then bent down in front of me while smiling. "Hi Hugo, my name is Flora and this is my daughter Ambrielle, why don't you two go upstairs and play while I stay down here and make some dinner?" We nodded and I took her upstairs.

"Hi I'm Hugo." I told her, raising out a chubby hand.

She smiled slightly, "I'm Ambrielle, please don't call me that though, I hate my name."

"I don't know. I kinda like it."

I don't know how, but her face turned red and she was staring at me, it started creeping me out, so I decided to try and end the silence. "Anyway, what do you wanna do?"

She stopped immediately, "I don't know... hide and seek?"

My face lit up "Yes! I love hide and seek! Let's go, do you want do hide or seek first?" For the next hour, we played game after game, having insane amounts of fun.


A/N-Hey guys! Futbollover (ACTUALLY IT'S TITANKILLER608 SIR) here. Short chapter, I know but expect more on the way. How'd you guys like a kiss scene? Terrible or hilarious. I'm thinking a little bit of both...

Update-As I was checking my drafts, I realized Raine's P.O.V. wasn't actually P.O.V., so I went ahead and just fixed it.

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