Chapter #3 !

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"... and he got off with "Thanks, love"." Sasha closed her eyes in digust. "I must have made the most horrifying face ever, I swear! It was so disgusting!" She finished filling the atmosphere with laughter.

"Was he british? The british say that a lot." Jake asked.

"NO!" She high-pitched. "He wasn't even british, he was just a creep." She laughed along with everyone.

Sasha was the only person, other than David, that I got along with outside of work. We clicked instantly, we were still getting to know each other but I think we were getting pretty close.

"Wednesday we did get a british." I looked at David. "He said goodbye with "Thanks, hun."" I said curving the ends of my smile. "Thanks, hun." I repeated getting everyone to laugh.

"I can confirm that." David said.

"Gosh, I've been here for a week and all I really know is that... I wouldn't want to be a girl at this job." I looked at the boy who's voice was new at the meeting table.

Look who it is.

"Yes, that's true, but that doesn't stop us guys from getting hit on from time to time, am I right?" Jake widening his eyes and shaking his head slowly in disbelief. Jake was the life of the party, always.

"Oh!" Jason shout like he was in pain. "All of you have had that experience but me, how is that fair?!" He cried and everyone laughed histerically. He was flat out gay, not stereotyping anyone, but there was just no chance with him.

"Ella... yesterday." David looked at me laughing before pausing for a while and continue.

"Yesterday morning, me and Ella got a couple of italian gay dudes shopping for tuxedos." He paused. "So you all know I speak italian. But, obviously, they didn't know that."

People were already laughing a little bit imagining the scene.

"And they were speaking italian between each other, saying things like "This guy is really hot." "I know right?! I would take him to our hotel room right away." and things like that."

People were already crying in laughter by now, including myself, re-living it in my head.

"And when they were leaving, the last thing I said was "Lo capico bene l'italiano. Boun giorno."

Almost nobody in that room understood what he said but everyone got it in a way as their eyes filled with tears.

A moment passed until everyone calmed down a little bit. The noise of something crashing on the ground got everyone's attention, turning their eyes to Jilian and Kate trying to leave the room without being noticed, but failing at it, once again. Everyone knew what they were gonna do, except for the new guy, who was looking around a bit confused, but the conversation kept going as Kate picked up the fallen object from the floor.

"That's right... What the hell?!" Jake looked at our bosses, Jim and Joe. "Why do we have the only two people who speak italian working together?"

"Why do we have the only two people who speak german in the same shop?" I defended me and David from trying to be broke apart as we gave each other a high five.

"There you go." Jim made a gesture towards me as if confirming what I said. Although what I said was not an answer, he didn't care.

Jim was like our father, not exaclty like a boss, he was playful and would joke around like us, the only times he came to the shop to make sure everything was fine, most times he didn't..., anyway, on the other hand, Joe was our real boss, he was nice and funny, although intimidating, but he's the one we talk to when something's up, he doesn't kid, he's over stressed most times and he gets things done, and right now, he was thinking about Jake's statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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