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Sora p.o.v

i walked along the road from the landlady that led to the school. Christoper High, a school in which had many problems. There were gangs and groups and if you didnt fit in with any of those groups your sign off as deadmeat. I was a deadmeat but i had Dianna who was part of a more popular crowd. She hates being apart of a snob group but she still becomes friends with those lower then her. I had come close to becoming dead before thanks to Blair and her group of bitches. They beat me so hard that i had four fractuers in my leg and three broken ribs. I remeber Dianna finding me and the tears she weeped. I hate to see her to cry for me. That also when her parents first met me and i told them my life story. They didnt pidy me only wanted to help. They did help me by giving me a good job at the cafe. With there help i was able to make money for me and my needs.

I looked up to see the school and the people who go there all scatter out. High scholl was a drag and only those who have high scores are able to graduate. I was ok but as much as i miss class the more i fall behind. Being a junior is a lot harder then being a freshman. I smirked at the thought of my Freshman year. It was the best i had friends and was a popular girl until my dad died and everything change. Now i am this mess of a person only to live alone.

"Sora" a voice yelled. I looked to my right to see Dianna running towards me. Dianna was a short like girl with long shiny curly blonde hair. Her eyes were a emerald color and she had about her self a more kidish face and personality. Everyone loved her due to these qualites. She was really beautiful were i had dual straight ebony hair and amber eyes. I had more of a mature face and it made me look older. People use to say i was really pretty till i was classed down. Dianna still told me i was beautiful no matter what. I admire her innocence side and i am thankful i still had her as a friend. "Dianna what is it" i asked. She stop infront of me and began to pant. She fix her blouse and straiten her skirt before giving me a smile. "Tyler finally asked me out" she said. Tyler Marks was a sweet guy. He has been Dianna friend since they were kids. I only met him once and to me i thought they would be a cute couple. "Awesome" i said giving her a thumbs up. She grab my arm and began to pull me with her. For someone so small she had alot of strenght. "Where are we going" i asked. "I want you to meet him formally" she answered. Great i hope he isnt like the others or try to fource Dianna not to hang with me. Dianna stop and looked around for him and she smiled once she caught a glimps of him walking through the school gates. She dragged me as she ran up to him. I got a better look at him. He was taller then me by a couple of inches. He had gorgeous blonde hair which was ruffled up. His eyes were blue and shone brightly. "Tyler" Dianna yelled. He stop and looked at us. He smiled once he saw Dianna. "Dianna good to see you and who this" he asked taking Dianna hand and giving it a slight kiss. Dianna blushed and looked at me. "That is my closet friend exccept you of course and her name is Sora" she said. He looked suprise and then he smiled at me. "Any friends of Dianna is a friend of mine and i herd about your dad and little sister and i fell sorry for you to live throuh that" he said hugging Dianna. "Thank you Tyler" i said. Dianna spun from his grasp and bounded towards me and tackled me with a hug. " i gotta go to class see you at lunch" she said. I hugged her back and watch her and Tyler walk away. I frowned and walk the opposite way. I saw something in the corner of my eyes. A guy stood there with a group of guys and he was looking at me. I didnt know him and shrugged it off. I walked in mrs. Froster class. I loved English and i loved to read and write. Mrs. Froster was the only teacher who liked me. "Sora nice to see you made it today" she said. "yea sorry i had to work late the last two days" i said. She nodded and i sat down in the back. No one sat near me and i was happy to be far away from them. The class began to fill up as people came in gossiping about something. I just got out my notebook and began to write in it ignoring them until i heard everything go silent. I looked up and saw a guy at the door. Actually it was the same guy who was looking at me earlier. "Class Zero is a new guy here and i want him to be treated kindly" Mrs. Foster announced. The guy walked past all the rows to mine and walked back and sat across from me. Egeryone gave him a looked but he ignored them and got out his supplies. I snuck a glance at him. He was very broad and had muscles. He had to be the same hight as Tyler or a little taller. he had a real mess of dark brown hair toppled on his head. I saw his eyes which were a pretty dark chocolate color. I looked away and began to scribble somehing down in my book. Who names a kid Zero for one and why did he have to sit near me.

"ok class today we are doing partner work and since Zero even thw class out he will work with Sora" Mrs. Forster announced. I mental groan as she passed out a paper. I looked at the paper to see it was a research project. That's right we had to do a research project but Mrs. Forster wanted to wait till we even the class out. People moved desk with there partners.

"I guess your Sora" a deep husky voice said. My head snap towards Zero. "Yea" i said. He moved his desk closer and all i could do was tense up. " Sora since Zero your partner why dont you show him around the school so you two can learn a little bit about each other plus ill let you leave class early so you can show him around" Mrs. Foster said. "Sure" i said gathering my stuff. Zero moved his desk back and grab his stuff. Mrs. Foster grabbed my arm which cause me to look at her. "Do be careful" she said. I didnt need her to remind me. Tend to one Blair was waiting outside somewhere to pounce on me her prey. I walked out and held he door long enough for Zero to step out.

"What do you have after this" i asked. " Physics" he said. "so do i" i said. I led him around to his class which 5 of them we had together. I was actually smiling and held a conversation till i heard her familiar high pitch voice. "Look at what we have here" Blair said wih a smirked. I sucked in my breathe and turn around.

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