What!Arranged marriage to him!?{1}

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Im getting married!?Married!This was not going to happen until I was like thirty!But now Im getting married to a complete stranger!Who I'll have to live the rest of my freakin life with!  

"D!Get dressed we're about to leave for our important date today!" 

Yup...this was happening.My life is officially ruined.Ruined!Finished with!No more me.I dont even want kids! I dont even want to be a wife!Or a mother!But yet I used my two feet and walked to my moms old chevy and got in the passengers seat,while I waited,until she came and got in.This was so not on my bucket list.I noticed that we we're at Panera.Mmm I love this place,but wait we weren't here for Panera.But my important date.I got out the car and slouched against it.Ugh Why did i even get dressed this morning? 

"Drinna,lets go!"fiesty. 

"Mom,I was taking in,my last bit of freedom before I die." 

We walked in together hand and hand,I followed her to a table,but I couldnt see in front of her.Until she sat down,it was only then when i noticed a woman and a boy.Staring at me like I was a disease. 

"The hell take a picture!"i dont like when people stare.It bugs the crap out of me. 

"Drinna!Sit down and watch your language." 

The woman opened her mouth to speak,"Im so happy you could meet us Drinna!Im Sam and this is Johnathon." 

"Oh am I suppose to say something?" 

"Drinna act polite."my mother grabbed my arm and squeezed it hard.Knowing the fact that it hurts. 

"Oh its fine."she smiled big,"Jon does the same thing." 

I looked at the so called boy Johnathon.I couldnt see his face but he pitch black hair,like skater hair with a hat on and a hoodie. 

"Its not winter you know!"Might as well start a conversation with the kid. 

He looked up from whatever he was staring at,"Its not Halloween either!" 

"Jon,be nice!" 

"Well Sam,I have to go but I have Drinna things in the car for you to take." 

"Wonderful!Johnathon would be delited to help!"she stood up at the same time I did. 

"My thinggs!"I shouted,everyone in Panera looked,including "winter boy" 

"Darling your living us,i mean you are marrying my son." 

i huffed and i puffed and stomped my way outside.Out of nowhere a burst of wind went right in my face,messing up my teased hair. 

"Haha need a haircut,I'll be happy to shave it all off honey!"Winter boy came up from behind me and said in my hair.

"Dont you honey me winter boy!"I pointed my finger in his face.

"Oh so you wanna get jiggie tonight.Have any naughty nurse costumes while your at it."he laughed and went to my mothers aid to help her unload the stuff into their whoa.

A limo!Where do these people come from!?

"Babe lets go."

"Babe?"Ew no hell no.NO!

"Duh your my fiancee!"he opened the limo door for me,I looked for my mom,but she was already gone,i was out of her hairs.I actually  wanted to cry. i went in the limo and sat on the other side.He sat across from me.Damn.Hes like a fly.That wont die already. Who has staring issues. 


"Oh my haircutting offer is still up if you want." 

"Has anyone ever told you,your an ass."  

"That i have a sexy ass!Yes indeed."Well one thing that didnt bother me, was his blue eyes.they were like the sky but more clearer. 

"Yeah ok,theres nothing even there!" 

"Oh so you were looking?"he titled his head to the side while he said that. 

"No I was just!I just sayingg-why even bother explaining myself to you." 

"Yeah you were looking."I looked out the window, remember all the memories I had with Max and Henry they were the most important guys in the back back home. 

"Yo lets go."I bummed out that the car was stopped and that we werent moving anymore. I let myself out and saw that my things were already out of the black shiny limo and were with Johnathon. 

Whoa it just came to my attention that their house was huge!HUGE!Like a mansion.No joke. 

Somehow  I made my way inside following his house.Well technically my house too.Arranged marriage.Ugh. 

"i know..big house right."he walked past me and smacked my butt. 

"Ooo."that hurt.He has strength,if you ask me. 

"Youll be making that sound in bed too!"then he laughed,"Come on princess I hav to show you our room." 

"Our room.You have to be kidding me. "I caught up with him.Lucky me I actually found him. I followed him into a room.Whoa not just a room.A master size room.but one thing.Only one bed.One freaking bed! 

"Wonderful huh." 

"im not sleeping with you!" 

"Dont worry you will...one way or another." 

"I would rather get murdered then sleep with you!"I sighed,"Like theres anything there anyways.." 

"Oh wana bet."he pushed me againt the door making it close and then he locked it. 

"Yeah!"I kneed him in the groins and he falling to the floor in agony."Hmph what now winter!" 

"Oh you'll pay." 

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door and stepped into the shower and laid down.If I had to sleep here tonight and not have my own bedroom and thats how its going to be.I wonder if I can file for a divorce afterwards. 


Hey guys its me fallingskies i just want to let you guys know dont be afraid to comment or vote!I want to know if my wiritings any good!Or if I need to improve some things.Please and thank you!  XxFallingskiesxX

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