What!Arranged marriage to him!?{5}

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I woke up to an alarm and to a pillow being thrown in my face.Oh thats right...school. 

"The hell woman!"I went back to sleep,I didnt want to wake up at all,let alone go to school.I felt the covers go off of me and then i shivered.I was still going back to sleep though until I felt my body being pulled of the bed.then on to the floor.Now I was pissed. 

"Dude!I barely got sleep the other night,all i could here was you talking in you god damn sleep!"My head started to hurt again since the same thing happened yesterday and now today.I got up and went to the closet. 

"Aw want me to kiss you and then you'll be filled with energy." 

"Stay..away!"I slammed the closet door shut. and got dressed in the clothes I wore the first day to the boys school.Then I put on some Addia's slides with some polka dotted socks and I saw Johnathon in the bathroom and I went downstairs and into the garage to wait for him.

He finally came and opened the doors,and I got in the passenger seat and crossed my arms over my chest.We didnt talk .Thank god!I was already in a bad mood as it is.Once at school  I went off without him.I grabbed my things in my locker and then I went to Mr. Dandles class and sat next to Eric,he was there,but I payed no mind to him.I wanted sleep.And I'll get sleep. 

"Wow you finally showed up,I missed you."Eric said while patting my back. 

I looked at him and I swear I probably had steam going out my ears,"Dont touch me!" 

"OKay okay calm down."he out his hands up in surrender like he did at the beach. "You and Johnny boy ok." 

"We're fine!"it was non of his buisness to know what happened anyways. 

"Okay."Mr. Dandle came in and then everyone shut their mouths.After that Gym was a blur I told him i didnt feel good and he let me sit out.Eric was still trying to talk to me.After that I went to lunch alone and sat alone. 

"Drinna?"but then it was that annoying voice.Johnathon."I know I was an ass this morning,but listen I wont be able to bring you home today.Im meeting my mother for a suit fitting for the diner rehearsal." 

"Do what ya gotta do Jon,by all means." 

"Aw Drinnakinz don't be mad be glad." 

"ha did you really just say that?" 

"Anything for you babes!"he winked. 

I dont know,but something about him makes me not want to be mad at hi,its like impossible for me too be mad at him. 

"Alright winter."i smirked 

"Whatever you say sexy Halloween!"he laughed. 

I wasnt going to say anything.We talked and talked about stupid things and then we always had our comeback words.As usual.Once school was out I was trying to fine Eric for a ride. 

"Not going home with Jon."i turned around and there was Eric. 

"Actually he has something to get done,so I was possibly wondering if I could get a ride..." 

"Hmm you've been mean,but what the hell come on."I followed him to his car.He didnt have limo,but he had a jeep.I knew it..it was a dark green too.When he saw the house, his face was in awe. I got my things and got out. 

"Hey wait!Drinna,i was wondering if you would like to come to this party with me on Saturday." 

"I dont know." 

"Just you...please!"he yelled,"I beg you!" 

"I'll think about it!"I started heading to the house again.i found the hidden key,lucky me there was one.I could never imagine living alone in this house,way to creepy. 

So,there was nothing to do except.Sleep and eat,or maybe even tan or watch movies or actually,sleep is what I need and sleep is what i want right now.I didnt go upstairs instead I laid on the couch and went right out like baby.No oe was going to bother me,i wasnt going to ge puled off.And I certainly was going to get jumped on. 

I slowly sat up straight and looked around.He's still not home. 

"Aah sunshine!"he came into the living and sat on the floor next to the couch i was laying on,but now sitting up on. 

"So,Drinna..your dress is blue right and dont forgot its next week." 

"Damn what are you my agenda!" 


"I got invited to a party."i might as well go ahead and tell him. 

"Wait dont say it!"he held up his hand to stop me,"Eric.damn that guy doesnt not give up!"

"Oh baby...you know im yours."I put on a huge smile and winked at him.

"Oh stop it!I'll take Eric any day!"

"Ew..ugh ew."

"You would think like that."he gave me the stare down."Oh yeah your sleeping on the floor tonight."

'Me!?On the floor!?"

Then Sam came in,"Drinna..um i dont know how to put this,but your mother is here."

"Mom?"Johanthon and I said at the same time.Why in world would she be here!? 

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