Syndrome- A TW Superhero Fanfiction

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Hey, want to know a secret? You see those five guys over there sitting and talking quietly in the corner? Two of them looking like they're gonna kill each other? Their lives are about to be changed, and for much, much better.  After all, look at them. They were merely singers and what I’m bout to do is create the worlds first- and finest- superheroes, using this here pill. They'll be perfect, my masterpeice. They won't know what's hit them when they wake up, but hell, they drink so much that's not a new experience.

Why them? I laugh at your idiocy, why not? They're famous, with hoards of adoring fans. Already a group, though falling apart. Maybe this will bring them together, maybe the opposite. Either works for my plans. 

Who am I? That’s not important at this moment. In fact, forget my face, my words, and my actions. I’m a ghost to you, and I need to stay that way. If they find me before they're ready… Let’s not discuss this any longer. Let me go about my work. 


“Jay, you can’t just announce shit like that!” Max argues quietly, glaring at the grizzled man fiercely. “You’re apart of this band. We make decisions together.”

He shrugs, glaring at Max as he runs a large hand over his weary face. “I need a change of view, mate, and maybe Canada will do. People won’t know me as well as they do here and in America. It’s isolated. I can get some peace." then almost as an after thought, he adds "and you’re all welcome to come along.”

Max growls slightly, his mind to hectic to immeditaly voice his frustration. “We’re family, Jay. Family sticks together.”

"Max-" Siva tries to reason with the shorter man, but Jay shakes his head, muttering so only Seev can hear. "It's pointless." 

Tom and Nathan both bury their faces in their drinks, as Max goes and gets another round. As he slams the steins onto the table, he continues his arguement.

“Beside, Jay, what about everything here? What about yo- Watch it!” Max snarls at the man who bumped roughly into him, snapping at the man currently steadying himself over their table. The other lads watch slightly lost as the man stands up again, tipping his ball cap in reply, shadows hiding his face before walking away.

With a sigh, Siva reaches for his drink and when he takes a sip, his drink tastes.. Off. “Lads, do your drinks taste funny?”

Tom nods, “Yeah mate, mine does.”

The others glance at the two in disbelief as Max takes Tom’s drink and swallows. “The fuck.. Nath, what did you do?”

Nath swallowed some of Siva’s and passed it to Jay, who took his own disbelieving swig. “Why are you blaming me!”

“Because you’re the youngest!” Tom growls as he slams the cup back down. “Fuck it, I’m going back home. The beer tastes fine there.”

The others grumble in agreement and slid out of the booth and head home, only to realize the nasty drinks were only the beginning of their problems

Syndrome- A TW Superhero FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now