Part Five

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As soon as the doors were closed behind Jay, Nia launched right into her assault against Morgan. She was furious, absolutely furious, at the scene she just witnessed and with herself for getting closer to- no, she can’t think about that now. It won’t-can’t happen.

“Morgan, what the fuck are you thinking?” Nia hisses and the room darkens a little more. “What would your father say!”

That single line always brought the worst out in Morgan, no matter the topic it was used in. The trust she put in him, only for it to be turned and used against her was horrific. Green eyes flashed dangerously, and Nia felt something, a warning, brush her mind.

“You keep him out of this. He has no business with my affairs.” Morgan growls quietly.

Nia shoots back, without caring about the warning Morgan had just issued. “Really? Then why can you take over peoples minds? Why are we even here with them! Why-“

The barrier in Nia’s mind was tested repeatedly as she snapped, and she finally cracks under Morgan’s anger-fueled attack. Her body fell to the floor as if she was limp and dead, but anyone who knew her would know Morgan wouldn’t go that far, not with Nia. Morgan stands over her friend, eyes cold and hard while she snarls.

“This was your fucking decision, not mine. I didn’t get a choice. Don’t you fucking blame me for this shit.” With a sigh, she releases Nia, but she still doesn’t move. Morgan turns without a glance back, “Why don’t you go shag Max and be done with it, because that’s all you’re able to think about. Maybe you’ll get to taste rejection while I play with his mind.” Morgan threatens as she pauses at the door. “Don’t even both coming to the flat tonight, Tempesta.”

Nia lays still for a few heartbeats more, trying to calm herself before leaving. Morgan was right. She couldn’t go to the flat tonight.


Tom bletches loudly, smirking slightly as the other lads wrinkle their noses with disgust. It was a few hours after Nia sent them off, telling them to have fun at the local pub. She had seemed shaken and distracted, but when Max tried to pry, she fled the scene before he could finish the sentence. Now, all of them were drunk, or almost drunk by now.

“We need different names,” Tom slurs suddenly and raises his mug. “I think- no I think Nath, haha you should be… Slothboy!”

The older lads laugh raucously as the youngest groans loudly, “But Tom!”

“No back sass Slothboy!” Jay chimes in suddenly. He eyes a nearby mug, and brings it over for himself with a grin. “Siva should be Clone.”

“I like that actually.” Siva chuckles before turning to Tom. “You should be something fast.”

“Quick comer?” Nathan shouts, desperate for a little revenge.

Jay grins, “It’s multisitiational.”

Tom glances at Max, who as remained silent the whole time before answering Jay’s and Nath’s cat calls with a minor tantrum. “Fuck off, you twats! I like Bolton Bolt better.”

Max’s frown slips away and he takes a sip of his alcohol before smiling. “Guess i’ll be Manchester Muscles.”

Then the table fell silent as they all turned to Jay. His eyebrows are furrowed over slightly clouded blue eyes as he stares through his drink to a world all his own. Tom clears his throat and Jay shivers slightly before looking to the boys with that forced grin Tom knows too well. “Jaybird.”


Max is leaning on Jay as they stumble into the hotel room. Max is off his ass drunk, but Jay’s barely tipsy for once. Jay leans Max against the wall, and his hand fumbles against Jay’s ear while he mumbles something Jay doesn’t bother listening to while he tries to slip in the key card. The other boys were still out drinking, honestly looking for someone to warm their sheets. Jay remembered how Max would act after a fight with Michelle well enough to know that he’s not the only one caught on one of those girls. Finally they enter and Jay not so lightly shoves Max into the plush armchair.

“Max? Jay?”

Jay whirled around and fell onto the couch, startled. With his heart in his throat and Max’s laughter in his ears, he sighs, “Christ on a bike, Nia. You scared the shit out of me.”

Nia steps from out of the shadows, her curly hair pulled back with a bandana. Her golden eyes were downcast still, and it took Max a few moments to realize something was wrong. He tries to stumble over to her, but Jay shoves him down again.”Darling? What’s wrong?”

“Morgan and I fought earlier.” She shrugged as she moved to sit beside Max. “It got… pretty heated and I don’t want to go to the flat. I need a place to stay, but I’m worried about her.”

Jay rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll go check on her if you don’t mind looking after him.”

Nia nods and hands him a slip of paper. “The address.” Jay yanks his half removed jacket back on while Max nuzzles against Nia’s shoulder.

If Nia or Jay knew what was about to happen, I don’t think either would have done what they did. But maybe they suspected, or fate was finally kicking in. Either way, they’ve passed the point of turning back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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