Part Three

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Max glances out the hotel room window at the bustle of some half-grown city in Central Canada, the name of which he had no care to remember. It was big enough to hide, small enough go unnoticed until things… settled down. The first few days, when they were traveling and settling, no one was comfortable enough to mess with their powers, but Jay was the first to break under his curiosity and start throwing things across the rooms. And, not surprisingly, Tom was next. After a near fist fight, they all wanted to go for a run, let out some steam, and Tom stopped repressing it. He seemed impressed to have passed them thirty times around a single block, but the others, not so much. The other three though… they were trying to act like nothing had changed. But that didn’t mean Max didn’t shatter a glass coffee table. Or Nathan had more than enough time in the shower.

The whole group was divided over the issue of whether or not to use their powers, Max the most vocal for doing nothing. “If you ignore it, it goes away.” To say Jay or Tom agreed, would be incorrect at best.

About a week after they arrived, they had to get out. Do something normal while they’re lives dissolved around them. So they all decided to go out and try to get drunk at the local pub. But, due to some lucky fans they left shortly after arriving. On their way back to the hotel however, they quite literally ran into two girls.

The first was wrapped in a hoodie and scarf, light brown hair pushed into a ponytail, green eyes holding nothing but pure amusement and a mischievous smirk. As Jay slowly pulled her up, his eyes couldn’t leave her face. He saw something in her, something he couldn’t pinpoint.

The second was bundled a bit more, not used to the… frigid temperatures of a Canadian winter. But Max sees enough of her starkly contrasting near black hair and cold flushed pale face to start to smile flirtatiously. Her eyes stayed cast toward the ground until the last second, until they met Max’s, and never had he seen such golden brown eyes.

Hello boys,

They all jump at the sound of the voice, as no one had moved their lips. The darker haired girl winks as the other motions with her head. Max and Jay exchange a look of confusion, before the voice sounds again, this time a slight echo behind it.

Follow us.

The girls walk, neither looking behind. Nathan follows them automatically, only stopping for a second when Jay grabs his shoulder. Max cries, “Mate, don’t listen!”

“It’s not me, lads! it’s like my legs gotta mind of their own!” His voice is steeped in fear, but they can do nothing but watch as Nathan begins to follow the girls. The four older boys sigh at each other heavily before Jay starts jogging, leaving the others behind.

The hidden powers you possess aren’t as rare as you think. I highly suggest you to come with us.

Jay pauses and glances back at the other three, while Nathan continues to move. The three share nervous looks before going to catch up with the other two. All five finally stop outside a warehouse.

“Do we go in?” Tom whispers softly. As if in answer, Nathan yelps out in surprise as he starts moving again. Everyone sighs and follows the him, twisting through different corridors, and down stairs, turning, back tracking, until they, finally burst through a set of blue double doors.

The two girls are there, smirking as the light haired one one sits in a chair and the other leans against a wall. The one sitting flicks her eyes to Nathan for a moment, and he gasps slightly, stumbling backwards and holding his head. “The fuck?”

“She’s telepathic. Aren’t you?” Jay hums in mild awe and distaste. He turns to see the blank faces of his band mates and sighs. “You know, Charles Xavier? X-Men?”

Max hears Siva scoff quietly with Tom, but the telepathic glares at them, a slightly evil smile on her face. Stiffly, they both step forward and kneel before her, faces touching the cement. She giggles, and her gaze shoots over to the other girl.

“Stop it Morgan. They don’t understand. Give them a break.” The second girl, the one Max couldn’t stop watching, snapped as she stood between his friends and hers. As she nudged the boys upward, the first girl looks away and back towards Jay.

“Surprisingly, you’re right, though i notice it doesn’t exactly please you what i do with my power. And maybe we could have a half decent conversation if i wasn’t listening to your buddy undressing my friend.”

And despite her snark, that’s when Jay decided he liked this Morgan. She shared a bit of her history, just enough for them to trust her to go alone with Jay for a while. Half Canadian, half British,and not one to waste time. Much to Max’s pleasure, the other girl, Nia, was left to babysit them. Though he did watch her slightly warily. If she’s hanging around a telepath, who’ll actually listen to her, she’s got some power he probably doesn’t want to mess with.


Morgan paces like a caged cat as she talks at him. She’s guarded about things here, and Jay doesn’t blame her. She and Nia had been out the other day and saw Tom’s little… rebellion. He had to admit, it was bittersweet to realize that they weren’t as alone as the boys had thought. These girls might have answers, and definitively some advice about controlling their powers, but they aren’t the same powers.

Yet somehow, Morgan had a wonderful plan.She was offering a place for them to train without damage in the warehouse, them and a couple other people are willing to help the lads figure out the powers. Jay’s not real sure how they got so lucky, but he’s damn glad they did.

Just know one thing. Until you know the extent of your powers, if you’re gonna work with us, you are not permitted to use powers outside, or spend too much time in public. Especially since you’re this new. For now, you and your lads will learn how to use your powers, and learn how to control the needs, wants, or cravings you’ll need to handle.”

Her pacing had carried her towards the door to the others, and she was about to walk out the door when she pauses. Turning back to jay with a smile, she informs him, “The first thing I’m teaching you all is to shut your minds off from me. I don’t care about how attractive your bald friend finds Nia, or how you’re trying to figure me out. It’s not happening on either fronts.”

And he sits back in the chair, watching her subtly swaying figure leave. Sighing with a smile, “What the hell just happened?”

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