Chapter 3: Sacrifice

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"If you succeed in this mission I have given you, I will forever grant your sister, Aoi Hyuuga, freedom for as long as she lives."  

After I heard that, I could feel my throat tighten and my mind rejoice with everything I had. I didn't express the joy of his proposal because he'd taken everything from me. I can't handle the humiliation if he were to make fun of me now...

It was only after he said that, that I choked up when he said something unexpected,

"But if you happen to fail... she will die."

In that moment, I froze-the room span making me dizzy and even the air was sucked out. I couldn't breathe or talk, or see anything. My sister Aoi was going to die if I didn't kill this girl in what seemed like a few months. I didn't even know the girl and I was going to kill her in exchange for my sister's life...

It seemed so brutal yet a guilty sigh of relief left my lips.

At that, the Principal roared out in laughter or amusement, I can't tell the difference at this point in time.

But from what I concluded was that I had no choice in this.

The choice seemed obvious to me.

"I'll do it. I'll kill the girl." I tried not to hesitate with my words. But mentally, I failed to stay calm and sure about all the trash I was saying. 

Although I had already stated my choice in the matter, my mind blurred in conflict.

Was I really going to kill someone in order to obtain my sisters freedom?

She'll die if I don't kill her. I have to kill this pig-tailed girl or Aoi will die. Don't be a coward. 
Even so... it's wrong.

"Hm? Is that so?" He paused and smirked at me, clearly amused. I turned away from him and frowned. Which was all I could do without him noticing. "You will be starting the mission... tomorrow."

"...?" I looked down at my hands and simply nodded. I couldn't help frowning at the meeting.

"Tomorrow will be the start of your mission to assassinate the girl known as Sakura Mikan. She is being hospitalized as of this moment and you are to prepare for your introduction today."

"Who will let me in to the hospital? I'm sure that everyone knows me as a criminal." I reason. I'm sure the girl isn't stupid enough to just let the Principal do whatever he wants.

"Yes as the Black Cat but not as Natsume Hyuuga. They will let you in as long as you wear this badge..." He  placed this golden pin with the Alice Academy symbol, "This will be your cover. You must wear this at all times during your mission."

"May I ask why?"

"They have Anti-Alice body guards surrounding the perimeter of the Hospital. They have Mikan guarded like junkyard dogs. But you will be seen as some kind of normal high school student working for them for college credits or whatever they believe is true."


"Okay Natsume. That is all I wanted to discuss with you today and you should be heading towards your dorm to pack things up and head to the cab. It's been waiting for you as of this moment." I eyes flicker as I reach for the knob. "Remember... if you fail she will die." I flinched at his words and hesitated to speak but I forced the words out.

"I won't fail."

"That's a nice kitty." He muttered with a stern smile. I fell to my knees as soon as I left his coffee scented room. The air in their nearly suffocated me. It was like I was being buried underground. But most of all...

The thought of my sister's life being a threat was the most dreadful thing that has ever happened to me. It's was like a nightmare.

Only it wasn't.

So I decided that I wasn't going to let any failures come my way...

I was going to save my sister... even if it meant that innocent pig-tailed girl was gonna die in exchange.

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