Chapter 5: Part two

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"HUH?!" I slipped back and fell on my hands and knees. I couldn't believe what was in front of me.

The pig-tailed girl was... Sakura Mikan?

Oh no no no no no....

"S-STUPID! I'm Sakura Mikan!" her face was as red as a tomato... even more than mine at the moment. It took a lot of consideration to take this all in. How was I supposed to react now that she knew the real me. The arrogant, self-centered handsome guy?! As much as I like to flatter myself, I was in big trouble with my plan at the moment. I took a deep breath, and bowed at the country girl before me. Everyone was watching me but I could hardly care less about those idiots with no lives, since they're watching our little drama.

"I am very sorry for the inconvenience my lady Sakura." I said as politely as I could, but my voice failed to cooperate with me. It sounded sharp and harsh and all things not polite.

"T-that's..." She looked around herself and she blushed in embarrassement, I could already tell from one glance that she was exactly the opposite of me. She hated attention... and I knew now that I was safe... for the moment at least. "...that's alright..." Her face got even more rosier than before, if that was possible. "Come... follow me..." She motioned as she threw her pig-tails behind her and she strode confidently towards the stairs. I tried hard not to sound angry but it was almost impossible not too. I'm just saying that...

"My lady... would you not like to take the elevator? Would not that be faster than taking the stairs?"

"Sorry but I can't stand e-elevators..." She stuttered again. I silently snorted to myself as I followed. Everything about her was a flaw in my plan, it was making all things difficult for me and I didn't like it one bit.

"Great..." I mumbled lazily. I took heavy steps as I went up the stairs behind her, she seemed used to it though which made me irritated. I know... this is exaggerating but that's just how I am and there was nothing I could do about it. But the least this country girl could do is give me some slack.

"What is your name again?" Her voice echoed in the narrow stairway, it made my ears perk up and listen.

"Natsume Hyuuga." I replied emotionless and as calm as I could muster. I really didn't like the name I was given because it was a girls name. Natsume that is. My mom named me only after reading the name of a tea brand and thus came up with the brilliant idea of naming me after it. Well it's not like I hate the idea of it... I mean it was less trouble for her... it's just that it's basically a girls name.

"What a beautiful name you have!" Her cheeks blushed with amazement. I raised my brows in surprise, and my lips curve a little.

"Even when it's a girls name?"

"What?!" She stopped with wide-open eyes as if I were telling her bad news instead of good news. It made me chuckle, yes people... I said chuckle. "But my great grandfather was named Natsume." She panicked like a scared animal. This girl is amusing.

"Oh really?"

"If it makes you feel any better... my name means orange." she looked down shyly and turned around. I didn't say anything at all. Her name was way better anyway, but I wasn't gonna say that. Hey I had my pride. Can you blame me? "My mom gave me the name." her breath turned sharp and had a bit of harsh coldness. My mind went blank for a moment as I thought. Her mom named her just like mine. Then another thought came to mind. What kind of orange does she mean? The fruit orange or is it the color orange? If it's the color orange then what kind of orange is it?

"It's both." It was as if she could read my mind at that moment. It was like she knew that I was thinking these stupids things and that I was about to ask her out of carelessness. But I'm sure that she didn't think I was stupid or careless or odd. That stupid grin on her face made it clear that she looked at me as me.

"How did you..." I stopped and looked at her but all she did was look out the window. She looked outside just as the petals of the blooming Sakura tree fell down like rain. You know what... the instant she looked out, my eye's followed as well. And just as she saw the petals fall, I saw them as well.

For once in my life I felt peace and it was because of this potato girl. It was because this country, pig-tailed, nerdy, potato girl just had to look out the window. I didn't notice then but I think that's when I noticed things were going to be hard... no more like difficult.

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