Chapter 23: Past(;u;)

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"Onii-chan! Onii-chan!"

A Monday. The worst day of the week but the good thing was that the both of us had two weeks off from school. Something about repairs being made at the school and that both the students/teachers needed a break from the intense new testing system. Anyways, Aoi and I had a load of fun things planned. Mom and Dad decided to take us out on a camping trip to get more of a feel of the outdoors.

"Look here Onii-chan!! Look!" Aoi whined because I ignored her. We were currently out in the woods and she was playing in the little stream while I was reading a new volume of Assassination Classroom.

She wore a cute vivid dress with straps that showed a bit too much skin for a girl but it was hot today so I guess it made sense. On her feet were shell engraved sandals that showed her baby pink colored nails. Her hair barely touched her shoulders and her ruby eyes shone as bright as my own. I didn't see any of my traits in her besides my own physical features. The hair and the eyes and that was it.

We weren't alike at all.

"What?" I'd growl over my book. She'd slap me upside the head and cross her arms over her chest like our Mom would do. I swear, she treated me like a child.

"I've been yelling your name the whole time now!"

"What's your point?" I rolled my eyes and she'd try to maintain her cool. She really looked cute when she got angry. I made it my job to do so, because I loved to do it and that's a brothers job.

"If you just listened the first time than I wouldn't have to bother you right?" She clenched her fists in anger. I don't know why but I kinda wished that I had her traits, then I'd be able to express my feelings more. If I was angry, then I could be angry in a cute way like her. If I was sad, I'd be able to cry. If I was happy, I'd be able to smile or laugh out freely without a care in the world. But unfortunately, I developed feelings such as this. I am boring and love to tease just about everyone I like.

"..." She waved her hands in my face and I forgot she was there. I sigh in desperation, "What is it you want to show me, brat?" She giggles. I frown in defeat.

In this world, the girl always wins.

"This!" I practically go back to reading after she's shown me a rock. "No! Look closely!! Doesn't it remind you of something?"

"What? Aoi-" I paused as I took in the color of the rock she showed me. It wasn't just an ordinary rock. It was an Alice stone. One that looked like of my very own. "Let me see that." She handed it to me and it turned out that it wasn't my own, it was too big. I wasn't old enough to make one that big.

"Isn't it pretty?"

"Where did you find it?!" I ignored her and she poked her cheek with her finger. I stared at her and she was surprised at my tone. I coughed and tried again, "Aoi... where did you find this stone?"

"It just appeared in my hands. Onii-chan, what's wrong?"

It was then that everything came into motion.


"Huff... huff... huff..."

"Faster!!" I yelled back at Aoi. Ever since we discovered Aoi had an Alice, the Fire Alice, the Academy hunted us down just for us two. It was because our Alice was rare. There was no other Alice user with our own.

Apparently the Principal wanted to use us for his personal problems. But I didn't know that at that time. My family and I spent almost each day running away from the school.

Until we eventually landed a safe spot for us to stay at. A deserted area with only another neighbor. We came to trust that neighbor and told them everything about us. A nice young couple with a boy my age that was as annoying as a swarm of wasps, I must say.

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