At the studio (Pt.1)

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<Your POV>

He's been practicing dance routines for over an hour, they said. He's been in there alone for an hour, they said. He doesn't want to speak to anyone, they said.
But when I slowly opened the door of the wide practice room, he was laying down on the shiny flooring with arms and legs spread wide.
For a second I was worried. What if something happened to him?
'Kai!' I ran towards him, nearly dropping the bento box I made.
I promptly kneeled down and touched his forehead. It's warm.
He's breathing heavily, his eyes were closed and sweat is practically covering every inch of his body. What the heck did he do?
Slowly, he opened his eyes and all my worries disappeared but I still can't help it but get mad at him, so I pinched his cheeks.
'What do you think you're doing? Overworking yourself again? Honestly. What if something - !'
'Nothing happened. I just got tired and took a short nap. No need to worry.' He intercepted as he sat up and faced me. 'See, I'm fine.' Then his stomach grumbled,he looked surprised and embarrassed. 'Except that I'm hungry.' He finished in a low voice. Looking down as if he's defeated, almost pouting. He looks so cute.
I gave him the food I brought for him and he ate it. He didn't eat dinner, as I was informed, so he must be starving. Who would eat dinner at midnight? Him.
He was eating beside me while I sat with him ,typing in my apple device.
'Why are you always so busy?' he asked. I stopped typing and looked him in the eye. 'Why are YOU always so busy?'
His eyes held so much emotion in them I feel like I was drowning. He looked serious and relaxed but his eyes says he's sad, annoyed, and angry. I don't know.
We already had this conversation. It always leads to us arguing about schedules and how we don't see each other that much.
Truth be told. I think we only see each other twice a week. He's busy. I'm busy. Our schedules collide. I guess that's why we weren't found out even after 2 years. I guess that's why I feel like we're drifting apart.
Our staring was broken by my phone ringing. I took it immediately without knowing who it was. I just wanted to get away from his intensive gaze.
It was my boss and he's asking me to meet our client at 9am sharp in the morning. All I said was 'Yes', 'of course', 'I'll be there' and 'I won't be late' all the while sounding happy. I can't exactly say no when he didn't stop talking. Who would set a meeting that early? My boss.
I sighed. 'Sorry Kai. I guess I'll be going now.' I was standing up with all my stuff in my bag. 'I have a meeting early in the morning.'
I was getting ready to leave when he grasped my hand gently. I was caught off guard. It made me look at his eyes and I couldn't seem to look away.
'Is your work more important than me?' He questioned. His voice sounding deeper than usual.
I don't know if I was supposed to be scared or be fascinated by his voice.
'Or are you cheating on me?' his voice was accusing ,and his stare was piercing right through me.

Without thinking, I slapped him. His right cheek was burning red and he looked at me,shocked by my sudden response to his accusation.
His hand was still gripping my other wrist though. Only tightening as a response.
Who does he think I am? A slut? A whore?
I thought he knew me the best. I was extremely hurt and angry.
My aching heart was beating fast. My blazing eyes were glaring at him. My disoriented mind was cussing him.
I looked at him angrily and yanked my sore wrist away from his reach. I ignored the throbbing pain from it. It doesn't matter now. I don't think anything matters now.
'Do you think I would do that? Do you think I'm that kind of person?!' My voice was raising. My emotions are taking over me.
'For 2 years. I was there for you through everything. Through all your troubles.' I can feel my eyes watering. 'I didn't leave your side. I didn't act selfish. I never complained.' My voice was cracking.
'When you missed my birthday because you had to go to China for a concert. I didn't complain. When you forgot that we had a date and you made me wait for an hour standing like a fool. I didn't complain. When you were linked to other women who were prettier than me. I did not complain.' I'm ranting right now. Every pent up feeling of mine came out.
'I... I had to force myself to think positive. To think that you're not cheating on me. To think that you actually love me.' I couldn't look at him in the eye, fearing rejection. I love him too much. 'I gave you my trust.'
A pause.
'Because I love you.'
I refuse to cry and yet tears were rolling down my cheeks.
I wanted to be brave so I looked up at him. I don't want to be weak right now. I refuse to.
All of a sudden, I feel him hugging me. Whispering apologies to me.
But it all seemed unrealistic.

I felt him separate a little.He looked me in the eye.
"W-what is it? Stop staring at me like that. I can't take it." I was still hurt and angry at him.
He started crying a little,he hugged me even tighter.
"Just don't leave me,please."
I could feel the teardrops fall from his face and onto my shoulder.
"Look,I know that you've always been there for me,and I know that you love me."
My eyes widened.This is the first time I've seen him so desperate.
I pulled away and stared at the floor,looking very shy.
He wiped his tears,which were black from his mascara.He looked at his sleeve and let out a sigh of embarrassment.
"Damn stylist,making me wear makeup."
He was probably just joking,wouldn't he be used to it?I lightly smiled at his attempt to joke around,but still not looking at him.He leaned in closer to me,and with two fingers,he slowly pushed my chin up.He planted his lips on mine.
I didn't know what to do,I just stood there shocked.
After that kiss,I wasn't able to speak for the rest of the day,well,not for while at least.

"It's really late,we should leave,"
we both exited the dance studio.
"How about you stop by mine for a bit?We should hang out."
I just nodded my head,without facing him.
So we both walked back to his dorm,he kept talking,I just listened.
It was as I'd he was about to choke on his own tongue.
What am I going to do with you...

---End Of Chapter---

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