My Time to Shine! ~5~ Twilight

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‘Unknown Experience’

“Are you going to Port Angeles with us?” Jessica asked me as she soaked up the sun during lunch.

“No, I think I’m going to explore.” I tapped my foot on the bench; I was sitting on top of the table while the others sat normally.

“Explore?” Jessica turned her head to me. “Explore what?”

“The woods,” I pointed toward La Push. “Then maybe go to La Push.”

“Don’t get lost.” Lauren sneered.

“Ohh don’t worry,” I smirked, “I’ll be back to annoy you tomorrow.”

After school Bella drove home with Jessica following slowly behind. When we got home Bella came in the house to say bye to Charlie in a note, gave me the keys, then left. Writing on the note myself, I told him I was going to La Push to take advantage of the sun. I didn’t plan on mentioning the little detour I was taking first.

I marched out of the house to Bella’s truck, turned the key in the ignition and was on my way down the road toward La Push. About half a mile away from the house, I parked the faded-red vehicle on the side of the road and tread into the woods.

The woods of Fork’s were very green. The trees were tall and full, the ground felt damp and soft. Some trees had fallen over and there were signs of animal life. Daisy’s peaked out of multiples of places, I was surprised they hadn’t drowned and died but weeds are stronger then flowers. Carefully stepping over a tree root I followed down a manmade path.

After a full thirty minutes I came across nothing. Though what was I expecting, Leprechauns? No, but something more than greenery. Thirty more minutes later, I came upon a clearing; nothing special just a demented circle of space and a rock long enough to lie down on. Though I don’t expect it would be too comfortable.

Sitting down on the most comfortable looking part of the rock, I starred forward elbows on my knees. Soon now I assume Bella would be encountering the most unpleasant of men, then Edward coming to the rescue. I sighed and thought for the first time I came here about the people of my world, wondering if they missed me, if they even realized I was gone. Then I speculated if time was even moving there.

Yea, cause the world really stopped revolving around the sun for me. I scoffed and kicked up some grass from the ground, leaning back on my hands; face to the sky.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly. Heat and chills crawled up and down my spine. I tensed and spread my feet apart. Defense moves, that were too basic for me, passed my mind. Why would I think of those moves when I know the way to make a man twice my size freeze for three minutes? The face of a man presented itself to me smirking, coming closer. Why would I think of him I’ve never even seen him before. Bright lights blinded my view. My eyes flew open; I was still in the clearing, alone.

Confused I closed my eyes again, hoping that it would happen again and explain itself; Black. A growl rumbled in my throat. I breathed the air in deeply, my lung expanding till they could no more and then let it out.

Are you alright? The question echoed through my head. I was worried, angry; so angry I felt the need to kill someone. Frightened with myself I shivered. No, I’m hearing voices in my head, that’s the first sign that one is not “alright”. Then I’m seeing things but that could just be my imagination. Then I’m having feeling I’ve never felt before. Going back to my thoughts I concentrated.

The wind flew passed me as I ran faster than I could ever imagine. My feet never really touched the ground as I set off to one destination. Home. I swallowed as I stood up keeping my eyes open trying not to blink. These thoughts, these feelings, are not mine.

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