chapter 1: Today's the Day

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Today was the day. Patch was sleeping on Atticus's bed, curled up in a little ball, snoozing, but the alarm clock went off, waking up the puppy instantly.

"Atticus, wake up, today's the day!" Patch leaned over the sleeping Atticus, very excited about today.

"Okay, okay, Patch, I'm up, I'm up." Atticus yawned, while laughing, knowing of how excited Patch was and what today was.

Patch ran around on the floor, having a lot of energy. "Come on, let's goooo!"

"Okay, okay, Patch, I know that you're excited, but calm down." Atticus said as they began to make their way to breakfast.

Patch chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, Atticus..."

As soon as Patch came to the final step, his eyes widened as there was a camera flash.

Darla showed her face from behind the camera. "Got it!"

"Whoa! That came out of nowhere." Patch said, shaking his head.

"Sorry about that, Patch." Darla chuckled, gently petting the growing puppy.

"That's okay... Just warn me next time, okay?" Patch chuckled sheepishly.

"All right..." Darla chuckled, she then went to the couch, opening up her laptop and connected her camera up to it and uploaded the photo on a social media site for her friends to see online.

"Looks like someone's ready for his first day of puppy school." Jessica said.

"Yeah, how soon can we go!?" Patch was totally excited, his tail wagging stronger than normal.

"After breakfast." Jessica tried to relax the easily excited puppy.

"Yeah, after breakfast, we'll go and take you to puppy school." Atticus said to his excited puppy.

"Yay! Then let's go and eat breakfast so then I can go to school!" Patch cheered before running into the dining room.

Patrick and Emily chuckled.

Meanwhile at the Brown house...

Lady had Jock and Trusty over to let them give some advice to Scamp, Angel, Colette, and Danielle about their new year at puppy school, they were just as excited as Patch was.

"Oh, this is so exciting." Scamp said, excitedly.

"I don't think I've been to a puppy school either," Angel was eager to try this with him. "But Mr. Itchy says that he went to one with my mother."

"Why, you all will do fine," Trusty smiled to them. "Did I ever tell ya what my old grandpappy O'l Reliable used to say?"

"Aye, ye have, laddy..." Jock rolled his eyes slightly. Not this again.

"Yes, you have, Uncle Trusty." All four pups said.

"Does he do this all the time?" Angel asked Jock.

"Aye, even with Lady before she and Tramp came together." the Scottish terrier replied in memory.

"Wow." Angel said.

"Do you think we'll see anyone we know in puppy school?" Colette asked aloud, allowing anyone who heard her question to answer.

Danielle was digging, proving she was the tomboy of the triplets. "I hope we get to chew on shoes or somethin'!" she laughed as she continued to dig in the yard.

"Well, I hope that Patch gets to be there." Colette said.

"He's supposed to," Lady said as she sat with her children and 'daughter-in-law'. "I heard that Darla spent all the money she earned from making movies just so he could get in."

"Yay!" Colette cheered, but then blushes and clears her voice. "I mean, that's great."

Everyone chuckled to her, but not in a bad way.

"Breakfast is ready, guys!" Mo came from the back door to call the dogs over.

"Oh, boy, I'm starved!" Danielle happily rushed over.

"Danielle Deborah Tramp, you patch up that hole right now!" Lady called to her tomboy daughter.

"Oops..." Danielle chuckled sheepishly, she then came back to put the hole back in place, patching it up. "Sorry, Mom..."

After patching up the hole, Danielle, Colette, Scamp and Angel came inside for breakfast. Mo had their food bowls all ready while James was reading his morning paper as always and Elizabeth was finishing making breakfast for the family. Junior was scribbling on a blank piece of paper with his tongue sticking out in concentration.

While the puppies were having their breakfast, the same would be said for the Fudo family as they all had breakfast together, Patch and Maisy were even by their owners' sides, eating together as if they were siblings. Only, Patch seemed to be eating fast, thinking that every minute that passed, he would be late.

"Patch, slow down!" Patrick warned the puppy as he got the bagels. "You don't wanna go to school with a tummy ache, do you?"

"No, but I don't wanna be late on my first day of school either," Patch said after swallowing. "I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day."

"You still have plenty of time until school actually starts." Emily tried to settle down the puppy.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so excited," Patch said after finishing off his breakfast. "I'm gonna do some push-ups now."

And and that is what he did while having a 50 pound weight on his back, showing that he still had the special strength that Atticus was able to give him while still having his god strength. He then gets up from his push-ups, but still excited about his first day of school and hoped that everything would be alright. But what he didn't know was that this first day of school of his would be filled with some adventure.

"Patch, do you think maybe you could tone down your strength a little?" Emily advised. "I don't want the other puppies to get discouraged."

"Oh... Okay..." Patch agreed, hoping he might be able to do that.

"Well, I'm sure that they would become friends with Patch whether he had god-like strength or not," Atticus said. "Or so I hope."

"That's true, but I don't want some puppies to feel bad if they're not as strong as Patch in some activities." Emily said with a kindly smile as always.

Meanwhile, Mo was in her bed, fast asleep, but her puppy kept tugging on her.

"Angel, stop it..." Mo said, laughing in her sleep.

"Come on, Mo, wake up, today's the day, today's the day, today's the day!" Angel cheered.

Mo then got out of bed, automatically knowing of what Angel meant and just knew that she was excited to get started.

James and Elizabeth had breakfast together as the woman of the house served her husband and filled her son and daughter's plates.

"Morning, Mom and Dad..." Mo said to her adoptive parents after she came down to eat before they'd get to Puppy School.

"Good morning, Monique." the couple told their adoptive daughter.

Lady and Tramp smiled to their children, but noticed one missing.

Lady sighed. "Scamp! Get over here, you don't wanna be late for school, do you?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Scamp said, coming in ready to eat breakfast.

Elizabeth set down food bowls for the family.

Angel smirked to the other puppies, then went to join Scamp. "Mornin', tenderfoot."

"Morning, beautiful." Scamp smirked back.

Angel then ate her food, just loving it and not having to look for food everyday anymore. Scamp happily joined her. Lady smiled, she hoped the kids would enjoy their day at school, she had always did when she was a puppy herself.

"I hope the kids will have a great day at school with Patch." Tramp said.

"Oh, I'm sure their going to have a wonderful day." Lady smiled.

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