chapter 3: School Bully

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This was not going to be the greatest day for any of the pups as Vendella was just going to keep being a bully to them all while Itchy wasn't looking or wasn't there.

"It'd be a real shame if you were kicked out of school for your powers, Patch," Vendella mocked the Dalmatian puppy. "Too bad you're not special and you're just not one of a kind."

"Yes I am!" Patch glared at her.

"You're just one of 101, who could pick you out of a crowd?" Vendella smirked evilly. "You're better off being a face in the crowd and no one will even know who you are... Luckily I'm an only child... Unlike most of you..." she glanced to Colette, Danielle, and Scamp when she said that. "And just a ragamuffin junkyard dog." she added to Angel.

Patch really, really, really wanted to hurt this evil puppy now more than ever.

Itchy came out with Kate as she had him on a leash. "Alright everybody, follow me!" he called to the students of his.

Kate walked Itchy down the block with the puppies following.

'Oh, I so want to make her pay for what she said to me and Angel, but I can't use my god-like strength again or else I might get kicked out.' Patch thought while they were all following Itchy and Kate.

Itchy stopped when Kate would and this made the puppies copy him. Once they could move again, Kate moved first with Itchy and the puppies followed suit. It was a little bit of a long walk as the others were anxious about where they were going. Kate took them to a dog park and sat on a bench, taking a book out of her purse as she set Itchy's leash down and unhooked it from his collar and she read her book in silence.

"Okay, recess!" Itchy called to the puppies.

This caused for all of the puppies to cheer, happy that it was a time for them all to play.

Itchy smiled as he got some rest under the bench Kate was sitting on while the puppies spread out and played together. "Stay together!" he called to them so they wouldn't get lost or separated.

"Yes, Mr. Itchy." The puppies said before going off to play.

Itchy smiled as he yawned and took a nap under the bench until Kate would be ready to leave.

Danielle tugged on Colette's ear and pulled on her.

"Hey, cut it out!" Colette giggled.

Danielle shook her head. "Not unless ya play with me!" she said, slightly muffled.

Colette shook her head, making Danielle fall and the two playfully wrestled each other. Patch began to look around, wondering who he could play with.

"Hey Patch," Angel called as she scratched herself briefly. "You wanna do a play adventure with us?"

"Play adventure?" Patch asked.

"Yeah, you get to go on all sorts of adventure, why don't we make one up ourselves?" Scamp suggested.

"Hmmm... Okay... What should it be?" Patch asked them with a smile.

"It can be anything you want it to be." Angel said.

Patch shrugged, a little undecided. "Um, how about puppies living in the pound?"

"Pound Puppies!" Scamp and Angel then called.

They all started to play and have fun, much to Vendella's annoyance. "I've gotta ruin their fun, but how?" she asked herself and then remembered about the earthquake incident and had an evil plan to not only let Patch god-like strength ruin everyone's fun and also possibly get him kicked out of school.

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