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Reaction: "Waddafuq?! NO!" *secretly looks up fanfics* "Snake is mine." *mumbles*

Oh, hey, what? You actually like Snund? *banging head on table* Why. Must. One. Be. So. Weird?

Yes that's right, I hate Snund. Mainly because I'm jealous. Jund has the right to back the fuck up. And I have the right to remain violent. (Hollywood Undead junkie alert)

Fortunately I have invented a solution to this horrid thing. 'The Snund-ex'! Now let's see, yes, I think that's enough garlic spray. Cause everyone knows Jund is a hate-sucking vampire.

I'm actually tempted to write a letter to the LNC and ask them where the hell Snund came from. Yes, I know they are good friends, and met before the stream, yada yada yada. Seriously it makes no goddamn sense!

Fortunately I know for a fact that the spray works, I can't use it on myself. I've figured out I am a vampire after all. No wonder why I hate the outdoors.

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