..... What the actual fuck.
Nepeta: :33< Just do it!
*takes off sweater and hands it to Nepeta, revealing my pants that reach my torso*
Nepeta: :33< Those are some high pants.
I was walking through the f9rest 9f m9ccasin breath, when I saw a tr9ll 69y wearing tight pants,
I wanted t9 9wn them, 6ut can y9u even dance in th9se pants?
"Watch me, w9man!"
They made him m9ve like a vessel 9f shimmy, all sweet and tender like a 6a6y kitty...
I need to get s9me!
Put my 69dy in them!
Then I will rule the land!
5, 6, 7, 8
Is that an Angel 6a6y? N9! That's his dance mv9es! Yes! Watch my lady honey gr99ves! Feed me l9ts of Jamba juice! Call me lady tiger, 6ut I never eat my y9ung!
(n9, n9, n9)
My legs in th9se pants, a dream!
When I m9ve, I'd scream:
Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! High kicks! High kicks! This is h9w we d9 it! Yes!
Watch 9ut f9r my b9dy r9lls! Watch 9ut for my 69dy r9lls! High kicks! High kicks! This is h9w we d9 it! Yes!
I begged that 69y to make me s9me, g9t a dance like that where I c9me fr9m, grab a partner, f9rm a line, cut 'n stitch and make 'em shine! W9rk that elastic, it's looking fantastic! P-pl-please stitch 'em pretty 'cause my 69dy can't handle that!
It's just the p9wer 9f the lycra tickles my tigra, let me get inside them and stretch, stretch, stretch!
And tell yourself you're a vessel 9f shimmy and activate your dance fl99r kitty...
When I place my legs in a cage 9f spandex, I dance like hell t9 release the madness. Watch my feet p9und h9les in the plyw99d, watch my hips crush plates of 6aked g99ds!
Watch 9ut f9r my b9dy r9lls! Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! High kicks! High kicks! This is how we d9 it! Yes!
Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! High kicks! High kicks! This is how we d9 it! Yes!
'Twas the last stitch 9n the final seam he placed 9nt9 me, my leg hairs quivered and screamed. I kn9w I needed them m9re than ever, 69t then he l99ked at my legs and said "never!" I was already wearing tight pants, I just did n9t activate them!
69dy r9ll, 69dy r9ll, high kick, high kick
This is h9w we d9 it
Watch y9urself
6reak it d9wn, 6reak it d9wn!(69dy)
69dy r9ll, 69dy r9ll,
High kick, high kick,
EngageI'm a dance fl99r tiger lady, pumping everything she has, t9uching every single lad, rubbing every lady gland!
Work that dance fl99r, they may v9te y9u may9r Jazz, 9ne day have a plaque that says "she w9re the tightest of pants"!
Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! High kicks! High kicks! This is h9w we d9 it! Yes!
Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! Watch 9ut f9r my 69dy r9lls! High kicks! High kicks! This is h9w we d9 it! Yes!
*st9ps n99dle dancing, dr9ps mic, puts 6ack 9n sweater, and walks away*