Well, I d9 n9t kn9w Flippy 6y anything 9ther than reputation, 6ut judging by the 9ther's reactions, this is a terrible thing for you. The homunculus is curled up int9 a 6all in the c9rner, mum6ling about h9w this is part 9f why he d9esn't interact with humans... Erida is devastated... Nepeta is t99, which is 9dd given that she d9esn't kn9w Flippy either. I w9uld try and get her t9 stay, 9nly f9r the sake 9f Envy (and his sanity), but I am not the 9ne that's g99d with w9rds. Given that the w9rdsmith 9ver there is part 9f why she's leaving, I dou6t she'll 6e 9f much use. I can tell you this; she will 6e missed. 9h, and tell her 6ef9re she leaves that Envy also l9ved her.... He'd want her t9 kn9w. Well, he actually "cared f9r that damn human like a f99l, h9w f99lish c9uld I get?! Falling in l9ve with my 9nly friend, n9t actually truly telling her... Stupid paper people and their frail lives... Always rushing ab9ut, never thinking ab9ut how 9thers will feel... 6ut she was different... Damn it, I understand why... It hurts..." And then pr9ceeded to curl up int9 a tiny 6all 9f misery in the c9rner. I'd just say he said a simple "I l9ve y9u"... 9h well. I'm mildly c9ncerned and definitely upset, Erida is crying int9 Nepeta's shirt, and Nepeta is s966ing int9 Erida's scarf. Envy is, as I said, a small 6all 9f misery mumbling a69ut h9w he can't trust any9ne t9 stay 6ecause they're paper... Every9ne is upset... That's all I can say. *sighs* I'm g9ing t9 g9 lecture Envy 9n h9w he's lucky t9 6e a part 9f human culture and he sh9uld enj9y his privileges n9w, 6ecause he's the widely accepted Karkat of the h9use. 6ye.