Chapter 1

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May 21, 2003

Today was the first day of Spring, my favorite season. It's always nice to feel the cool wind brush up against my skin and pull back my hair as I walk the streets Connecticut. 

We were let out of school that Monday, leaving Evan and I to spend the next week however we wanted, this time without any interruptions. Meaning, my 8 year old sister Olivia won't be there to tantalize me. For some strange reason my family was leaving for Florida, probably another business trip I had assumed. Even more strage, I had succeeded into getting my mother to let me stay with Evan's family while they were away. 

"Well, sure! I mean it's your Spring break Dela." she was in a surprisingly good mood at the time, for it was only seconds after she had gotten her promotion. Dela was the name she always called me: short for Adelaide.I know I know. Dela doesn't sound like anything you hear in Adelaide. But I had become strangely accustomed to it as the name mother had called me since my childhood. At 16, my childhood was sadly far away, though I planned to stay as close to it as possible. 

My dad named me Adelaide after my grandmother, whom I looked so much similar to, it was kind of scary. If you looked at a picture taken from when she was about my age, we looked like twins. The same long, thick, white-blonde hair, and the same tall, athletic figure. We even had the same annoyingly pale skin. According to my grandfather (who was still alive and healthy at the age of 87), she was the most selfless person on the earth, and her personality would always blow everyone away, along with her deep blue eyes. I never met her, because of her death 1 year after I was born. 

"You two would've been best friends. Always together. Even as a baby, she adored you." my father explained to me. It was weird thinking of her, trying my hardest to remember her. I just couldn't.

Anyway, I was packing up my makeup and practically everything under my bathroom sink that made me look a tiny bit prettier and more presentable for Evan's house when my mom yelled that they were leaving. I went downstairs to say goodbye. 

"Cya guys." I said waving. Then Olivia ran up to me, hugging me, followed by my youngest sibling, Liam, who was 3.

It was a long goodbye, and I was tired 5 minutes after. 

Even though it was only 5:00 I planned to crash on Evan's bed and stay there until the next day.

I still had to pack though, so I ran upstairs to do just that. Not knowing how much to put in the bad, I basically poured half of my closet into it, leaving out the unnecessary dresses that my mother had made me buy for special occasions. As beautiful as they were, I hated wearing dresses so nice, because it always distracted me when fidgeted to keep it safe. I usually stuck with my casual dresses, my usual style, with my hair out and free, matched with a pair of flip-flops. I had so many different dresses that I could'nt keep count anymore. Today I had on my favorite blue and white striped one, and my comfiest flip-flops. Yep, I felt comfy and confident. 

Exactly how I wanted to feel.

I heard the distant beeping of a car outside, realizing that it was my cue to leave. 

I ran downstairs, bags in hand, to find Meg sitting in a new cute little beetle volstwagon convertible, with her big sunglasses on and a huge smile on her face. My mouth dropped open in shock.

"Meg?! You got a new car?! And you didn't tell me??" I squeeled, throwing my bags in the backseat and jumping into the front. 

"Oh yeah! It's my "late birthday present", 'cuz remember my dad promised to get me one for my 16th birthday. Well, this is it. A bit of a cliche but I still love it!" Meg said happily.

"Aww it's cute! Ok, so before we stand here talking about your super-cute car, we should probably head to your house." I said smiling.

"Calm it Delly! Evans not going anywhere. Besides he's my twin. If he does, I would know." she said creepily. We both laughed

Yeah Meg and Evan were twins. Meg was my best friend. Evan was her brother, who was also my boyfriend. So yeah...I was dating my best friend's brother...which is more of a cliche than the beetle! But the whole I would know thing is this inside joke we all made up in 2nd grade, when we tricked the teacher into thinking Evan and Meg could hear each other's thoughts, and sense where the other twin was. How we did it is a long story...but it was pretty funny...and we still talk about it today. Meg and Evan have been my friends since it wasn't at all strange that I was staying with them for Spring break.

 The drive was short and sweet, and I realized how much I missed Meg. Not that I haven't been seeing her everyday...but I'm with Evan so much that I don't get the chance to really talk and hang out with her. I made a mental note in my head to spend a day with her...just us girls.

When I got to the Arrington's house Evan bolted out of the door and plucked my out of the car, kissing me hello. I kissed him back, more than happy to see him again...feeling like I havn't seen him in forever, even though I had last seen him yesterday. 

"Good morning, Adelaide." he said smiling down at me.

"Happy first day of Spring!" I said smiling and jumping up and down like a 2 year old.

Evan brought his hand to his face and smacked his forehead. "Yeah I totally forgot. Your favorite season starts today. No wonder you're in such a good mood." he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm always in a good mood when I'm with you." I said kissing him on the cheek. 

"Oh my god you guys...get a roooom!" Meg teased. 

I pulled away from Evan and faced her laughing. "Yeah yeah, like you and Ryan aren't better!" I joked, thinking of friday's party, when Meg and her boyfriend Ryan were sucking face in a corner. I thought the sight was pretty funny, but gross...

"Oh forget you." she said, giggling.

After I said said hello to the rest of the family, and all of my bags were unpacked in my room (I was sleeping in Meg's older brother Eric's room while he was away at college), I finally crashed onto the bed (okay so maybe it wasn't Evan's bed but it was a a place to sleep) and slept. 

I dreamt about the perfect start to the perfect week ahead of me. And how everything was going to be, well, perfect.

Man, was I wrong.


Hey guys!

Okay so this was the first chapter in the story, and yes it was boring but it was just a little chapter to start everything off. 

I'm working on getting an editor :P so if there are any mistakes I'm sorryyy!

I'll work on the next chapter soon!

Hang in there!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2011 ⏰

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