Breaking the Rules -Chapter One-

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Hey guys. I’m writing a new story(again). I dunno though. I really like this one. I think I might be on to something this time. Don’t forget to comment with your criticism and how I could make the story any better. Thanks for your support and I would really appreciate any votes and comments and junk. Thanks again.



Breaking the Rules


That would be the lunch bell. I groaned. I sat up on my bed and smoothed out my navy uniformed skirt and white button up shirt. I took my time getting up as the others around me rushed to the door way, getting in a single file line, one behind the other, alphabetically.

“Violet,” my friend Victoria said, “you’d better hurry up before the warden pulls you out of bed herself.” Victoria had always been the do-gooder type. Always on time, always had her uniform perfectly pressed and polished, and NEVER looked at the boys. All of these things were school policy, and she, as far as I know, has never broken a policy. While other girls swooned over men and dreamed of what it was like to talk to one of them, Victoria never even let her eyes wander over their shaped bodies.

The school we both were imprisoned in, Blackwood Grove Comprehensive Boarding School, was a stickler for government rules, as were all these days. Law States;

“Until the age of eighteen, when children are able to take care of themselves and pursue a career with a signed diploma, they are not permitted to talk to, touch, or communicate in any way with people of the opposite gender.”

It had been this was since before I was born. Back in 2084, the government slowly started to progress in better education for the United States of America. A series of simple rules started making their way into school boards. Things like, “Students must always wear school uniforms,” and, “Classes are to not be missed without an exemplary excuse signed and noticed by a doctor”. But, as things started building up more, they decided to make their rules more strict, determined to upgrade our standards to top in the world. Rules like, “A missed day of school will result in expulsion,” and “Any assignment not completed correctly will be punishable in out of school suspension.” We were improving rapidly and our scores shot through the roof.

But apparently once we reached that goal, it wasn’t enough. The year was now 2323. Our “education” then completely controlled our life. When we were born, we were immediately put in a nursery, separated from males, of course. That nursery turned into a preschool. And that turned into grade school. Then junior high and high school until our education could finally be identified as complete by the board of education. They gave you a file about your parents on your eighteenth birthday. You didn’t see them until after graduation, where you could choose to be reunited with them.

We weren’t allowed to communicate with the opposite gender until graduated. “They” said that reacting with the opposite sex would get in the way of our learning experience. We learned about the male anatomy to prepare ourselves for once we were on our own. The only time we saw them was when the boys left the lunch room and the girls entered. Which I guess is why the girls always hurried like they were today.

“Violet,” the warden yelled, “front and center. Get in line NOW.” The warden for the sixteen year old girls, us, wore an all black suit and had her hair in a tight bun. She was in her mid forties and was as skinny as a stick(Also due to our “education”, we had to maintain a healthy body and fitness schedule).

I grudgingly got up and walked to the end of the line behind Victoria(her last name being Wilkes and mine being Wilson). I was all for seeing the boys, but following the rules wasn’t my forte. I did what I had to to get by, but only the bare minimum. I didn’t like the idea of being told what to do.

“SINGLE FILE!” the warden screamed as we started our journey to the lunch room. I rolled my eyes as her petite body marched across the second story wooden floors. As much as I hated this stupid routine, there was one thing good about it.

And that thing was John Wild.

Like I said before, the only time you ever got to see the boys was when they left lunch hour, and we began it. So every time, I feasted my eyes on John. All the girls in my ward talked about him constantly,, even though it was prohibited outside of classroom discussion. We knew his name because of a boys class year book one of the girls stole from last year. He had dirty blond hair with olive skin. His body was muscular and well built, although he was not the tallest man. He stood at about 5’8”. But what was really catching was his eyes. His green eyes shined when they looked at you, as if he knew all your thoughts and stared right into your soul. I knew a girl like me would never have a shot with a guy like John, but one could dream.

As we briskly walked down the wooden steps, I could just begin to see the boys lining up at the lunch room door. We girls stopped at the bottom of the stair, waiting for the boys to get set, like always. After the wardens of both genders signaled ready, we started heading for the doors. The thirty foot walk that was the excitement of our day.

I walked down the last few steps of stairs and casually moved my eyes over to the boys, searching for John. A few more and I saw him, his golden hair reflecting off the light and his green eyes shinning.

The high point of the walk is when you walk under the doorway with the boys, and it looked as if today, I would be sharing that walk with John. My heart leapt and I smiled to myself. The doorway was only a few steps away and I could see him in the corner of my eye. From the distance it looked as if he was staring straight at me. My heart skipped a beat and when we met under the doorway, I realized that it wasn’t me he was staring at, but Victoria.

My heart saddened, but I knew better than to let a boy tamper with my emotions. I hurried into the lunch room and down the lunch line. Chatter broke out between the girls.

“Did you see him look at you Miss Perfection!?” one of the girls asked Victoria. Her cheeks flushed. I couldn’t help being a little jealous.

“Come on,” she said, “Now you’re just being stupid. You know I‘m not interested.” Victoria had been just about the only girl never to go rambling on about John. But you could see a small shy smile appearing on her face and the girls continued to giggle. We headed over to our table and continued the talk.

“Violet,” one girl said, “I did see that guy behind John looking at you. In fact, I think he looks at you every day.” The other girls nodded their heads in agreement. I had noticed the man behind John before. He was handsome, but not like John. He had dark brown shaggy hair and pale skin. His blue eyes looked clouded, but were still very breath taking. A quirky half smile half smirk lay on his lips and he was about 5‘10“.

“Yeah yeah,” I said casually, “whatever. He’s no John.” I had never really thought about him before. He couldn’t be anything near as incredible as John.

But as my mind began to wander, I started to think about the mysterious man hidden behind the one I had been fawning over for so long.


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