Breaking the Rules -Chapter Three-

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Hey guys me again. I know a lot of people aren’t reading this but whatever! I still really like the idea so I think I’ll keep going on with it! Here’s chapter three.


I kept that simple note on me for weeks. During class I would silently slip my hand into my pocket and let  it rest over the crumpled paper. I debated for days whether to write him back or not.

Finally I decided I would.

I just said hello and wrote my name. I didn’t know what else to do. How did you make a conversation with a boy? What type of things did you say? How was I supposed to know? I was satisfied with the note, as I hoped he would be. I had butterflies even thinking about touching his firm hand again. It sent chills down my spine.

Every day we would glance at each other and I awaited the day we would share a moment when we were next to each other in the doorway again. I had my plan already figured out. I just needed the right day.

Then, one fall day, it happened. We were walking as usual and I found myself in line to be sharing the doorway with Alex. My heart fluttered and I waited for the perfect moment for my plan to go into action.

The second I was right next to Alex, I took the penny I had been clutching in my hand and swiftly and subtly tossed it behind me. It hit the floor and everyone looked in the direction of the clang. At that precise moment I slid the note from my pocket quickly and found Alex’s hand. I slipped the note into it and then let my arm fall limply to my side. It worked. I smiled to myself and looked up at Alex. He looked back at me casually as if nothing had happened. The wardens instructed everyone to keep walking and we went into the lunch room. I giggled to myself and once we got back to the dorm all the girls seemed to know about my plan.

“Did he get it?” one girl Alexa asked. My bed was swarmed with six girls getting in on the gossip.

I nodded and said quietly, “Yeah. Simple as that.” We all laughed together until the warden scolded us and we had our next period classes.

I couldn’t help the warm feeling that was growing in the pit of my stomach. I felt rebellious, in a good way. I imagined talking to him and our hands touching again. I couldn’t believe I was doing all of this.

I was breaking the rules.


Things went on like that for a while.

It’s crazy how many ways you can think of to get someone a letter secretly. We were doing it so often now; about a letter to him and back every week. Word spread through both the boy’s and girl’s dorms because one day someone else took the letter from me and winked. I was worried about Alex not getting it, but the next day I got one back. It looked like I wasn’t going to have to worry about being next to him anymore. But I had all the girls in my dorm sworn to secrecy. It wasn’t hard though, we had been together for years. We were like sisters. No one would jeopardize anyone else.

As the days went on we gradually started learning more and more about each other. We talked about our favorite colors, foods, classes, you name it. Our letters started getting longer and longer as well. We went into more detail about our days and thoughts about things. It turns out that Alex and I had a lot in common. We had the same interests, liked the same things, other than music. He had a terrible taste in music. I teased him about it.

That’s another thing. We teased each other playfully as if it was some sort of game or something. Was that normal? It was so much to figure out. I wondered if he was as confused as me sometimes.

I think I was starting to really like him. He was funny in a witty kind of way. He had a different outlook on the world. His thoughts were so clear to him, as if he was just watching the world from behind a glass wall and taking notes. He wasn’t arrogant as I always pictured John to be. He was just content with the way he was. He was mature for his age too. I had heard about boys telling jokes about stupid and perverted things in health, but not Alex. He respected girls. He was also comforting. And supportive. I told him things that I’d never told anyone else, but it didn’t bother me and I didn’t worry about what he thought.

This was weird to me. But I liked it. So things carried on.

I got my weekly letter and wrote back until I eagerly awaited the next one. Things at school were a new normal. My grades were good and I felt closer to the girls in my ward. John looked at Victoria often, but she still denied any feelings towards him. The fall was slowly but surely turning into winter and I was getting comfortable with my new habits that made my world so much more entertaining and meaningful.

That was until Alex sent me a letter that made my head spin. On it were only three simple words, but they enveloped my world in color. On the note it read;

“Meet me somewhere.”


I know that the story is kinda slow right now but hopefully it’ll pick up the pace soon. Oh and if I don’t get some more comments and votes soon I dunno if I’ll continue to update. Thanks for those who are reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2011 ⏰

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