Sent away

56 4 1

Mech - man                                                                  Astrosecond - second

Femme - woman                                                       Click - minute

Mechling - boy                                                            Breem - hour

Femmeling - girl                                                         Cycle - day

sparkling - baby                                                         Deca-cycle - week

Youngling - child                                                        Orn - month

First frame - 5 years old                                          Vorn - year

Third frame - 15 years old                                      Recharge - sleep

Second frame - 10 years old                                  Helm - head

Optics - eyes                                                                 Didgit - finger

Servo - hand                                                                 Processor - mind

Ped - foot                                                                       Chest-plates - chest


Millions of vorns ago

3rd Person

A tall red, silver and blue mech ran down the streets of iacon in a hurry. He clutched a recharging femmeling of the same colours to his chest-plates, she was half way through her sparkling frame. He carried on running until he found himself on the outskirts of Iacon were he had an escape pod ready to launch. He took the femmeling from his chest and placed her down gently into to the pods interior which woke her up. She looked up at the mech before her with confusion

"Stormshadow" he said as softly as his baritone voice could go "I'm sending you away because home isn't safe anymore" the femmling looked up once again but this time with wide optics

"Wion and megy come too" she innocently asked as she was unaware of what had happened between the two mechs. he lowered his helm and shook it sadly

"I'm afraid neither I or Megatronous cannot accompany you" he replied gravely. He looked back up to the youngling

"I will come and find you once it is safe to come home" he told her and she nodded.He hugged her and kissed her one last time on her helm before he closed the pod and launched it off the planet.

Just as the pod dissapeared a silver jet flew to Orions position and transformed in to a silver mech. Orion got into a fighting position but the silver mech did not, but sneered instead

"Where is she Orion, where is my sister" Orion stood straight and glared at the offending mech

"I sent OUR sister away to keep her safe from the war you declared on us" he told him

"This isn't over" and with that Megatronous- now named Megatron- transformed and flew off. Orion looked to the sky in the direction that his sister had gone

"We will meet again my dear sister, maybe not as who we once were but as who we will be for I am no longer Orion pax, archivest of Iacon but Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots" and after that he transformed and drove back to Iacon


So what do you think, does this look good or just one of those stories where you just go "Nah" and move to a different one. Also I would like to apologise for not updating Transformers Prime; The little femme. My GCSE's are getting harder and I'm going into year 11 so that's why I haven't been writing and also my Grampy died in may. I also have writers block because I have a few other stories in my mind such as this one and another one I am writing. I am not going to continue TFP: The little femme as there is quite a lot I have missed out of it so once i get inspiration, I will rewrite it. Thank you to everyone who R&R it

Spock is awesome 15

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