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56 4 0

Mech - man Astrosecond - second

Femme - woman Click - minute

Mechling - boy Breem - hour

Femmeling - girl Cycle - day

sparkling - baby Deca-cycle - week

Youngling - child Orn - month

First frame - 5 years old Vorn - year

Third frame - 15 years old Recharge - sleep

Second frame - 10 years old Helm - head

Optics - eyes Digit - finger

Servo - hand Processor - mind

Ped - foot Chest-plates - chest


??? P.O.V

I walked down a street, passing numerous refugees, greeting them as I passed as I was returning from my trip to the market. I walked up to the Energon bar and saw Ironhide talking to Jazz

"So Prowlah came up behind them an' just said "Boo" an' they jumped up screamin' like femmes" Jazz laughed as he talked about his sparkmate. Ironhide looked at me and smiled

"Heya Stormshadow. How you doing?" he asked

"Just returning from my trip to the market" I replied holding up my bag of goods. The two offered to buy me a cube so I went in and stayed for a few breems, it wasn't long until the sky started to darken. I said my farewells to the two and started to head to my home. Half way there it was already pitch black and any sane bot was inside, even though this was a refugee camp, it didn't mean it was safe in the night-cycle. I heard ped-steps behind me so I moved over so they could pass but they stayed behind me, I sped up a bit and so did the peds behind my so I broke out into a sprint. I took a sharp turn without thinking and came to a dead end.

I turned around and saw three mechs block my only way out. Now I'm like any other femme I've met, there is usually one difference them and me, I'm as tall as a mech and makes me look older than I actually am. I ran at them to try and use brute force to escape but a shock went through my systems and sent me crashing to the floor, I looked up at my attackers. They were all seekers and they were reeking of a rut, the middle one was skinny, his armor was grey with red markings. The other two were bulkier and their armor were different colours to the middle one

"Well, well, well a lonely femme out by herself at this time of cycle. I say we should have some fun" the middle one purred and the other two nodded, they pulled me up by my arms and pinned my body against the wall. Normally I could take on mechs twice their size but after that shock, my muscles feel like dead weight. The skinny mech grinned and started to touch me in place only a sparkmate should touch me so I started to struggle

"You're quite tall for a femme aren't you?" he observed

"I'm still a youngling" I growled hoping they'll lose interest in me but the mech cackled

"Oh and how old would that be?" he asked but I looked away refusing to answer, only for him to slap me across my faceplates "I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it" he snarled

"A Vorn past my third frame (16)" I whimpered

"You aren't old enough to bond so that would mean you're untouched" I looked away, embarrassed by the statement, the mech grinned and started to take off my lower and chassis armor off. I tried to scream for help but one of the mechs held his servo over my mouth.

Once I was stripped to my protoform, the mech threw me to the floor and before I could try get away, the two stronger one's pinned me down: chassis to the floor.

"Don't worry, this will only hurt a bit" the mech purred. He ran his servos from my breasts, down to my aft and over my thighs. I was struggling but the two mech had a good grip on me, the mech that was toughing me spread my thighs and sat between them before I could close them. He sat there stroking my panel; I could feel myself warming up and suddenly it opened without me saying, exposing my valve. I gasped when he slid his digit into my valve until it touched my seal and started to move it in and out, he then added another stretching it even more. I could feel the charge building up but before I could overload he pulled his digits out and I heard the click of his cod-piece opening. I struggled even more but cried out when he pushed his spike in my valve slowly, stretching the entrance until it touched my seal. I begged him to stop but it came out muffled and in one swift thrust he broke my seal, tears were pouring down my face-plates.

It hurt so much.

Suddenly he pulled out and slammed back into my valve which made me cry out, he then flipped me over so I could see him and he opened my chassis so my spark was showing. With each thrust the pain dulled and it started to feel... nice. I started to cry more, nobot is even going to want to even see me if they learn this has happened. I could feel the charge starting to build up again but the mech didn't stop, it kept tightening and tightening until I overloaded. The mech slammed his spark against mine which made it even more intense, I felt a hot liquid gush into my valve and it made its way into my tanks. I lead there panting trying to cool down my systems but winced when the mech pulled out of me, lubricant started to pool underneath me.

The other two mech had their go with me, doing it the same way the first mech did and when they were all finished they just left me there, armorless, in a pool of their own and my lubricant, I curled into feral position shivering and crying. I heard two strong engines head my way and transform not far away from me

"Shadowmist" the two mechs shouted in unison. These mechs were my adoptive twin brothers Dreadwing and Skyquake. I whimpered and curled up even more, the two must have heard me because I heard the two gasp and run towards me. Skyquake picked me up and pulled me to his chassis, I tried to push away but then I just gave in and started to cry against his chassis while he whispered comforting things in my audio

"Mist, what happened?" Dreadwing asked

"Th...They used me." I cried

"Who?" Quakes looked down at me but I shrugged

"Come on let's get you home" Wings said. The twins stayed with me for a few breems but unfortunately thy had to leave for their jobs, they fight in the war on Cybertron.

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