Chapter 9:

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Damon's POV:

We locked her up in the cellar, and put Elena in the other cellar. Yes we have a couple cells, it sounds creepy but hey whenever you're a vampire that is something you need. I watched as her bloud hair was messed up, I can't believe she finally gave up, and this is what she is like now. I sighed, starring at her, as she was knocked out by the vervain. She was going to be pissed whenever she wakes up, until then I get to see her sleep peacefully. Abbott thought that no one loved her, or cared about her. I did, or should I do!

I was angery whenever Klaus took her, but there silbings, and I couldn't stand in his way. He'd kill me, and I would be no help to Abbott if I died. Stefan told me to watch her, while he went, and checked on Caroline. Abbott's bloud hair was falling off the bed, her eyes were closed, and her lips were blood red. Probably because she blew up a bar, only after draining the whole bar of people, and creating a vampire, only to stake her. Klaus told Stefan, and Stefan told me. Why wasen't he here yet? I wondered. I sat on a chair, listening to her breathing, and Elena's cries of hunger.

I put my face into my hand, this is boring I thought. Whenever I heard her cough, I jumped up to look in the little handlebars. Abbott's eyes scanned her surrdoings, those big blue orbs wondering where she was. When they landed on me, she zoomed over to me, only to be stopped by the door. "What the hell are you doing?" Abbott asked me.

"Trying to help you, Abbott." I told her, she laughed, and sat on the bed thing.

"I don't want help, I want food, and now!" Abbott demanded, I grabbed a blood bag, and threw it her way. "This stuff is gross, I want warm human blood." I smirked.

"I can throw it in the microwave for you." I laughed, Abbott rolled her eyes, and clicked her tounge.

"Want to come in here with me? We can do fun things." she wiggled her eyebrows.

"That's funny." I smiled, "I'm good, not until you turn you're emotions on first." I demanded. Abbott sighed, rolling her eyes, and standing up. Leaning on to the brick walls, starring out the window, and then her eyes landed on her hand.

"Where the hell is my ring?" she asked, I nodded my head.

"Hey you're an original, we can't risk you getting out." I smiled, "Have fun!" I shouted, walking upstairs, leaving her down there, and all alone. All well, I walked upstairs where Stefan was with Elena, and tourting her. He walked out, smiling at me, and pouring himself a drink.

"Want a drink?" he asked, I nodded my head, and sat on the couch. He handed me a drink, and I downed it.

"Two girls." I said, Stefan turned to me, and gave a confused look. "Two girls, we have to turn on there humanity. Elena is horrible without her humanity, and Abbott is an original, who is mercyless without it." I sighed, and took another sip.

"This is going to suck." Stefan agreed, I nodded my head, and we clicked our glasses togther, and agreed with one another. "I'll go Elena, you Abbott." Stefan said getting up, I sighed, and rolled my eyes. I don't want to right now! I walked downstairs, with two drinks, and whenever she saw me she smiled.

"I bought drinks!" I showed her the drinks. "Want one?" I asked.

"No thanks." Abbott said, starring at me though the bars, and watching me pour myself a drink.

"Well were both going to need it, this is going to suck." I said to her, Abbott sighed, and nodded her head. I poured her a drink, I slid though the bars, and she chugged it. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, I slowly opened the door, and neared her.

"This." I grabbed her chin, and kissed her. At first she was hestaite, then her arms went to my hair, and started to tug at it. I ran my hands up, and down her body. Abbott moaned, pleasure, an emotion. That's a good sign, I pulled away, and started on her neck. Where she shivered with each kiss I laid one her neck, she smelt so sweet like I couldn't descride it. I then grabbed her behind, lifting her up, and her legs wrapped around my waist.

As I laid her down on to the bed thing, she pulled away, and starred at me. "I think this might be working." she smirked, as I kissed her neck, and in an attempt she tired to shove me off, and worked. "I can't do this here." Abbott frowned.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Well, be to honset, I-I've never really had sex with anyone." Abbott whispered, "And I've always wanted to be specail with a speacil person. No offence, you're great, but this place." I grabbed her cheek, making her look at me, and then I knew it. Abbott had her emotions back on, her real self wouldn't let her emotionless self ruin her virginty.

"I'm just glad you turned them back on." I whispered, our foreheads touching, and she closed her eyes.

"I am too." Abbott whispered, I then felt a pair of hands go to my head, and I heard a snapping sound. Then everything went black.

A couple seconds later....

I opened my eyes, to see Abbott standing above me, holding her ring, and my car keys. "Hi Damon." she smirked, "I'm so sorry to do this, but I've got to run. By the way, your a great kisser." she winked, and zoomed off. I sighed, my head hitting the ground, she tricked me. She tricked me into thinking she was a virgin, and that her emotions were back on. How amazing, I rolled my eyes, as I heard someone else walking downstairs. I looked up to see Stefan, standing behind the door, and shaking his head.

"You let her get out?!" Stefan shouted at me.

"I couldn't help it!" I shouted back, my head hurting.

"How was that?" he asked.

"She tricked me!" I shouted back, putting some ice on it, and pouring myself a drink.

"And how did she do that?" Stefan asked, his arms crossing over his chest, and starring at me.

"Fine." I sighed, "She told me she was a virgin, and wanted her first time to be specail, here I thought that if you want something speaical you have to you're emotions on." I rolled my eyes.

"You're really stupid, you realize she could be killing the whole time, and plotting against us right?" Stefan asked, I nodded my head, and starred at my glass.

"Were screwed, aren't we?" I asked.

"We might." Stefan answered, when the door was kicked down, and we both were suprised as to who walked in.

Author's Note:

I'm sooo sorry this is soooo short! But Abbott is on the loose, a mystery person just banged down the door. Is it just me, or do these brother's door get banged down alot?! Anyways, what will happen between Abbott, and Damon? Very good question? Hummmmm..


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