Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

"Damn it Niall you scared her away! Tackling her to the ground like that, what's up with you lad?" Louis yelled as the four of us began to walk away from the small clearing in the bushes surrounded by rocks.

"I thought she was a guy! How was I supposed to know Lou! Geez, don't you hate being spied on by the paps anyways?" Niall exclaimed obviously sorry about tackling the poor girl.

"Stop it, that is enough," Liam yelled stopping the argument dead in its tracks before it could go any further. He was always the one to come to the rescue, Mr. 'Daddy Direction' Harry thought.

"Now both of you apologize for yelling at one another." Liam demanded taking a step or two in the other direction. Louis and Niall both took a step forward and apologized both giving the other a man hug.

"You STILL pushed her down though," Louis mumbled under his breath stepping away from Niall.

"Oh it is SO on Louis!" Niall yelled. He lunged forward and knocked Louis on his backside throwing a few punches to his chest. Liam stepped in and tried to break up the fight, which was getting pretty boring. If Zayn were here I'd be betting him a hundred dollars on Louis. Niall was softhearted, he'd never hurt anything if he were in the right mind. I mean sure, he would blow up, but he'd never hurt anyone especially one of us. Louis on the other hand was goofy and light hearted he'd hurt you if he had to, but he'd never take a fight like this seriously, and seeing as though I would have lost yet another bet to Zayn I decided that next time someone other than Zayn or I got into a fight I wouldn't bet Louis.

The fight was already becoming playful also seeing as though Liam joined them and started to wrestle Niall to the ground I decided to walk around. Leaving the boys a short distance behind I started to walk. I made my way down the sand and back into the bushes and after about twenty minutes I was back in the clearing where Niall tackled the poor girl down. I walked to the middle and saw something black laying by a few twigs on the outer edge of the small clearing. Curiosity got the best of me so I went to go check it out. I made my way over to the object and bent down to pick it up.

It was a nice sized camera, black, and it had a neck strap so that it wouldn't fall off of the owners neck and break. It was a really good quality one too, I had bought one for Taylor a while back for her birthday, too bad we weren't together anymore, that was all HER fault. I collected my findings and went back in search of the boys. On my way to go look for them I noticed a small sticker label in the bottom of the camera, but I couldn't quite make out the words and letters. I finally caught up with the boys at Starbucks down the boardwalk, they were all in their 'disguises' so they wouldn't be mobbed my fans.

"Hey lads, look at what I found," I said as they all turned their heads in my direction.

"What is it Haz?" Louis questioned.

"It's a camera, I think it's the girls camera, you know, the one we saw earlier," I said. The guys all nodded and looked at the camera, Niall taking it away from me and looking at it a little more closely.

"It has a sticker on the bottom but its so little I don't even know what it says." I continued taking the camera from Niall and showing him the small sticker.

"It says, 'If found please return to 'The Scoop' publishing office," Niall read aloud also reading the address.

"That's only a few blocks from here!" Liam explained.

"Should we return it?" I said hoping he would say no so I could take a look at all of the pictures on it, but knowing Liam he'd make us return it.

"We are returning it," Liam said confirming my thoughts, and once all the lads were finished with their snacks we headed for the publishing office. We arrived at the place a few minutes later, but the sign read 'Closed'.

"Well, I guess we'll come back another day then." Louis said as Niall shook his head in agreement.


Jazz's POV

"I'm sorry Jerry! I had no idea I would loose the camera!" I said halfheartedly knowing full well I didn't mean half the bull I was saying. Jerry was only 30 and I was 19, straight out of college with a masters degree in English Lit, and Language Arts. I was a brainiac back in school, I skipped four grades total in my whole school period and went to college when I was around 15. Yep I was super smart at what I did, I could write a research paper in 20 minutes on the migration of birds if you wanted me to. I also had an artistic side as well. I loved to write songs, poems, draw, paint, sculpt you name it! I was just that darn good!

"Sorry isn't going to cut it Jazz, either find me a story on those boys or start grabbing me coffees from Starbucks, your choice." He smirked as if I was going to shut up this time, well Jerry you had another thing coming. I had given Jerry so much and he threatens me with becoming his assistant! I gave him the story on Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's whole relationship, AND lets not forget the huge Harry Styles and Taylor Swift fling, I was too good! I don't think so!

"How-," I was cut off by my phone ringing inside my blue jean shorts pocket.

"Look Jazz, it's Summer break, I'm giving you the Summer off, go swimming or something. Come back in two months ready to work," he said collecting his papers and stuffing them into his suitcase.

"What!" I exclaimed "Jer-," he cut me off. Again.

"I'm leaving for the Summer to go and take care of my Grandmother up in Boston, she needs some help and since I'm the only grandchild in the states I'm going to go help," he said clearing off his desk.

"Well-," I started only to be cut off yet again, okay this HAD to stop.

"I know you've got tons of money saved up, just take a break have some fun!" He said now walking away from his desk me following behind him. We walked outside the double doors, and he locked them behind us.

"I'll leave you the keys Jazz, just promise me you won't do any work until I get back okay?"

"Yeah Jer, okay," I said as he got into his car.

"My flight leaves around 7 tomorrow morning, in case you have any questions, but I doubt you will right?" He asked. I merely shook my head and waved him goodbye as he drove away. Two months I thought, all to myself. This was going to be a LONG vacation, and considering the fact that I have absolutely no friends, I'm screwed.

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