Chapter 21

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~Harry's POV~

I couldn't stop pacing back and forth in the hospital lobby. I couldn't sit down either, and the fact that Jazz is in there being operated on, made it all the worse. The nurses would constantly tell me that she would be okay but it only irritated me, and after a while they eventually stopped.

It's hard to think about the good in a situation where everything is at stake. If I know one thing though, it's that Jazz would've wanted me to be cool about this.

Yeah, she's in surgery, and she could possible come out paralyzed, and she could die! Then I'd be forever alone! Never to have a child named Darcy! Never to put a ring on her beautiful finger! Never get to love her like I want to!

By that time I must've been looking pretty histerical because someone had place their hand on my shoulder.

"Sir, are you alright?" A nurse asked as she held my shoulder.

"Yes, I'm fine." I replied as I shifted in my seat.

"Is it a girl?" She asked as she took the seat next to mine.

"Yes." I replied.

"Will you tell me about her?" She asked as she turned her chair towards me.

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's got this long hair that naturally curly, and flows down to her waist. She loves video games, and anything to do with music. She has this strange obsession with orange juice, and she's the bravest person I know." I said completing my list.

"Sounds like you're in love, and you know it's a good thig to think positive." She said as she grabbed my hands.

"I'm sorry, what's your name?" I asked curious as to who I was now currently talking to.

"Linda." She said with a kind smile.

"Well yes Mrs. Linda, I am, and if she doesn't make it out of that hospital room okay, I'll be devastated." I told her as I hung my head.

"I know the surgeon better than anyone, and if there's one thing I know, it's that she will come out just fine hun. You just have to think of all of the good things about her, they'll keep you company." She told me.

"How do you know that?" I asked a little paranoid still.

"He's my husband, and I trust him with anyone's life, he's never let anyone down, and I'll be darned if he let your friend slip away." She said with all of the confidence in the world.

"Thank you, you've really helped." I said as we both stood up.

"You're welcome dear, there's always faith, have a little." She said as she turned around and walked away.

After that I sat down in my chair with a new mind set. The words that Linda spoke to me were touching, and they comforted me just like any friend would. I still paced back and forth after a little while, but I made it my goal to remember every little thing about Jazz.

Her favorite color?


Her favorite breakfast drink?

"Orange juice"

Her favorite Movie?

"The Avengers."

The list went on and on, and as thought about all of the good things a plan snaked its way into my mind. I made it my first priority to make it happen, as soon as she got better, and that's when the endless stream of phone calls started.


A few hours later everything was set, all I needed was for her to make it. The whole entire group of us were here, and we were all anxious and waiting on the doctor's answer. The hospital was deserted at this time with only a few nurses passing by every now and then.

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