Chapter 10

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~Harry's POV~

I walked down the stairs only to be greeted by Louis, and Niall for breakfast.

The club last night was great, the music was good, and the people who ran it were friendly. The club wasn't like any other club I've ever been to, there were dancing competitions, and little games were played throughout the night.

Louis and I were challenged by this other group if guys to a dance off. They were good dancers, but Louis and I surprised them. We might be One Direction and we might not really 'dance' in our music videos, but we could dance. Lois was a good freestyle, and I was good at going along with whatever he did.

We ended up winning and getting an open bar pass all night, and the best part was, no paps! No one had seen us go in or come out. It was the best night ever!

"Last night was awesome yeah?" Louis said while walking to the fridge and ruffling my hair on the way.

"Yeah, did you have fun?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"YES! I had a great time." Louis said pulling the apple juice out of the fridge and pouring himself a glass.

"How can you drink that?" I asked, a look of pure disgust in my face.

"What, Apple Juice?" He asked while taking a sip.

"Yeah! It's DISGUSTING." I said making a face.

"It's good, don't judge!" Louis said.


"Well have you tried it?" He asked giving me a questioning look.

"Yeah, and it tastes like sweet water." I replied while eating my last spoon full of Cheerios.

"Well THAT poor excuse if a drink is no better!" Louis said pointing at my glass if orange juice.

"It's better than water!" I said now standing up to place my bowl in the kitchen sink.

"Lets agree to disagree?" He said arching his eyebrow.

"Whatever," I said pouring myself another bowl of cereal.

"Quit messing with the lad!" Niall yelled from the couch.

"Oh Niall, go back to watching your bloody Tv!" I yelled chuckling to myself.

"Will do!" He yelled.

"So Louis, what are we doing today?" I asked sitting down back at the table.

"Lets go roller skating!" Louis said jumping up and down.

"Where? I don't think there's a roller skating rink anywhere near here." I said.

"I know a place!" Niall said, now jumping off of the couch to meet us in the kitchen.

"So it's skating then?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Louis said. "Oh, and Simon just texted me, we need to make an appearance with the paps." Louis said while looking at his phone.

"Okay, so it's set then?" I asked while finishing up my bowl of cereal.

"Yeah," Louis said confirming my answer.

"YEAH BUDDY!" Niall said while fist pumping the air.

Well, today should be a good day too, I thought as I walked upstairs and into my room to get ready.


~Jazz's POV~

It's been three weeks since the party, and the gash in my arm and leg still hasn't healed. No one had seen him since then, and quite honestly I didn't want to see him again. I shuddered at the thought of his name. Chris. I limped a little walking into the restroom in search if my bandages. I wasn't used to being hurt so I was pretty angry at the fact that I was disabled to some things. I remembered what happened like it was yesterday, and I couldn't stop myself from reliving it all over again.

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