Chapter 1

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"Vikram Barns." I heard my mom shout from down stairs, I groaned and rolled out of bed.

Making my way down the steps, I replied with a shout. "Yeah Mom?"

"Happy sixteenth birthday!" My eyes widen at the words that left her lips, I've been dreading those words ever since I'd hit the age of fourteen. I blinked, and smiled at her.

"Uhm, Thanks Mom."

"No problem dear," She began and looked towards me excitedly, before dragging me into the kitchen. "Do you have your numbers?" She glanced up at me, since I was about four inches taller then her. Her eyes shined with tears, but she had a grin on her face.

I bit my lip, pulling up my jumper sleeve that cover my left hand. I gasped as a glowing pair of numbers laid upon on tanned skin.

My mom squealed slightly, taking my hand and running her fingers over the tattoo like mark. "I can't believe my little boy is growing up!" Her tears were flowing freely now, and I nearly regretted showing her.

She hugged me quickly, before looking in the direction of the clock that sat on the wall. "Oh, it's 6:45. You have 15 minutes!"

I cursed under my breath and booked it upstairs, tossing everything into my bag. I slipped on a pair of headphones around my neck and grabbed my phone. Noticing Mitch had texted about five minutes before.

[ MITCH | 6:41 AM ]: Jerome and I'll be over to pick you up in about 10 mins, biggums. Actually be ready dude!

[ MITCH | 6:41 AM ]: Also, Happy Birthday man. We gotta do something.

I had gotten another text from Jerome, he had also wished me a 'happy birthday.' I sighed and plugged in my headphones, picking a song from my playlist that I didn't bother to actually look at the title of. I shook my head, saying a quick goodbye to my mother. I put the headphones over my ears, walking to the small cafè that was near my flat. I quickly walked in, hearing the small bell jingle above me as I stepped in. Instantly, the smell of pumpkin and coffee hit my nose.

"Hey Vik, the usual?"

A soft noise of agreement left my lips as leaned against the white countertop. The cashier, who some just call Choco, smiles and nods. We're actually really great friends. He hums softly, turning back and pulling out a pumpkin donut and quickly making my small vanilla coffee.

"When does your shift end again?"

"Seven, about five mins. Then again I don't technically work here remember?" He replies, setting my order on the table. "I'm only here for an half an hour while my Dad is in the back taking inventory."

"I know, I know, but it is still a job."

He nods as his dad walks back into the room and shoots me a smile, "Ello Vikram, how are you?"

"Good, I got my numbers today." I flash him my hand and he grins, giving me a highfive.

"Hell yeah! That's awesome."

The bell jingled behind me, and I turned to see Jerome. He grinned and waved.

"Choco, Vik, time to go dudes."

"No Mitch time?" Choco raised an eyebrow, laughing softly.

"Nah G', not today. School starts in twenty." He replied, checking the clock on his phone before motioning to the door.

"We gotta go, if we wanna make it in time."

I groaned softly, taking a bite of my donut and standing. I set a five on the counter and grabbed my coffee. Choco grabbed his bag, throwing his hoodie on for the time being, considering it is fifty degrees out. He said goodbye to his dad as we left, making our ways out to Mitch's car.

"Oh yeah, Mitch has a new recuit in there. He goes by Pete, but his real name is Brandon." Jerome nodded and Choco gasped softly, I turned my head to the dark haired male as he raised his hand to show a shiny '0' on his hand.

Jerome laughed softly, highfiving the male. "Fucking awesome dude!"

We had finally reached Mitch's car, we piled in and the two that were already in there greeted us.

"Hey guys," Mitch smiled, waving. He motioned to the boy with a green beanie before speaking up again. "This is Brand- Pete."

Choco and I waved, Choco saw hello before I did. All the sudden, a glowing light formed from both Choco's and Pete's hand. The two watched as both their hands had a heart tattoo like design on them.

Pete looked up, biting his lip with a shocked expression. Choco had the same one as he spoke.

"Y-You're my soulmate?"

"I suppose, I- Wow."

Choco was smiling now, "I'm Choco."

"Brandon, but some call me Pete."

"I'll call you Petey."

"Oh my god-"

The rest of their conversation was quickly drowned out by my music as I put on my headphones, I honestly didn't want to go to school. I wanted to sleep, go home and maybe practice my piano and French, not have to worried about how many days it was until I met my soulmate. I hope they're nice, I wonder what colour eyes they'll have. I like blue, and hazel, and gray. I sighed, seeing the Madison High School come into view.

I groaned inwardly as Mitch stopped his car, and groaned outloud as everyone piled out. I quietly exited, my mood meter was waaaay below happy. I don't want to be at school, I don't want to be sixteen. I want a soulmate, but I don't know if I'm ready just yet.

The main bell had rung, stating everyone had to grab their things and go to the Gym for the daily meeting. The students all filed into the gym, making their ways to the bleachers. Same old, same old.


The day was basically uneventful, Jerome had dropped ice cubes down Mitch's shirt then kissed him to shut up his complaining. Choco had asked Pete on a date, but that was basically the only highlights of today.

Mitch had invited me to hang at his place on Saturday as well, to celebrate my birthday. We were probably going to play some minecraft and Call of Duty, then go swimming or some shit. Honestly, I don't care.

I groaned, pushing myself away from my desk and computer. I pulled myself away from my thoughts, glancing at the time. Ten forty two. I'm fucking tired. I stood, pulling my shirt off in the process. I threw it somewhere random in my messy room, sliding under my blankets. I sighed, setting my alarm for tomorrow.

I blinked, bringing my hand to where I could see it. Tracing the number that laid there, I bit my lip as I stared. I wasn't ready to meet my soulmate, I'd doubt they'd like me, I'm an asshole.

I stared at the glowing number for a bit longer, whispering to myself.

"Nine more days, nine more days until I meet the person that is supposed to love me."


1186 words, even without the authors note. I really love how this turned out, I've been working on this for about a week now and it looks great! If you couldn't tell, this is the first time I've written in first person for a while, so a bit of third might slip in ever so often. Also, expect each chapter to be 900 words [ if it's short ] to 2000 [ if it's long ]. I've been planning to make each chapter based around the 1000 word mark. Yeah,,

But be proud, and Preston, Rob, and Lachlan will come in soon, just wait. This is a Pack fanfiction anyways.

Stay lovely, Space Dad. <3

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