Chapter 1

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Dan's POV

April 16

Just a normal day.

We both sit there on a not-so-rainy day on the couch and scroll.

I mean what else would we do?

"Hey Dan?" Phil says from the window he's looking out.

I raise my head from my laptop and look at him. "Yeah Phil?"

He looks as if he is deciding something important. "Can we maybe go outside today?" He says and points to the window.

"Um...okay Phil." I say with a tone in my voice that can only be described as fear.

I don't know about that place...'outside' doesn't seem safe.

Phil jumps around, clapping his hands like a child and grabs my hand. He drags me to the door and we put on our shoes and step outside.


We walk on a squiggly path for about 20 minutes, talking on about random stuff.

And then we hear it.

A gunshot.

We both look at each other, more worried then ever.

I jump onto his back and cling to him for dear life.

"P-Phil...what was th-at?" I say, shaking with fear.

"I have zero clue Dan." He says and let's me stay on his back.

And then we hear another sound.

A woman's scream.

I cling to Phil, nearly choking him, and we hear footsteps run away.

We walk around for another maybe 5 minutes until we hear the last sound.

A babies cry.

And then I see something.

Something shiny.

I walk towards it to find that it's a locket around a dying woman's neck.

"Please...take her..." She says and try's to hand a small bundle to us.

"Give her a good life. Her name is Zoranna Lee Smith and she's 1 month old. Please..." She says and I take the bundle.

"PHIL. CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I yell at him and he does.

"Please. Miss you can't die. We can help you!" I yell and she kissed the babies forehead.

"My time is up now...make sure she knows her mum loved her..." She says and gives out her last dying breath, as her grip loosens on the baby and her hand falls to her side.

"PHIL!" I yell and he runs over.

"They should be here soon..." He says and sees the dead woman. "Oh god..." He says and a single tear runs down his face.

I'm bawling by now but now I have a baby in my arms.

"WAAAAAAAAAA!" The baby cries and I gently rock her back and forth.

"Calm down Zoranna...Dan is here..." I whisper and she calms down.

We sit down in the grass and I rock her to sleep, not knowing what else to do.

When Zoranna is asleep, Phil takes her and the police come.

I explain to them what happened and they say the baby is in our custody now.

The woman is rushed to the hospital and is pronounced dead. They say her name is Sirena Smith and she's 19. Her parents are both dead and all of her family has abandoned her after she was raped and became pregnant.

Poor girl. Her entire life sucked. But now we have a responsibility to make sure that Zori's won't.

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