Chapter 2

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The police finish up the investigation quickly, deciding that it was her great uncle who had called and threatened her for about a week now for unknown causes.

But there's one thing.

This isn't the only child she had.

She had a little boy named Caden who is now one and a half years old.

They ask us that if they find him, if we could take him too.

"Sure. We'll take him if you find him." Phil says from behind me.

They walk us back through the path and we get about halfway back before we hear someone crying. "Zori...mum...Zori...mum..." We hear and look around.

The man walking us back calls for everyone to search the area of tall grass for a little boy.

We walk around for about 10 minutes until Phil looks like he might burst into tears.

"What's wrong Phil?" I ask quietly. He looks at me with pain in his eyes.

"Why did these children have such a terrible life so far? I mean their mother just got shot and now a baby boy is wandering around looking for his dead mum and baby sister. It's just sad." He says and a single tear drops from his eyes.

That's when we hear someone shout from across the field that they found him.

Phil brings his head up and races over to the baby boy, where he takes the baby and hugs him.

From what I can see, the boy likes Phil and is hugging him that's good.

But then he starts to scream for Zori. "ZORRRIIIII!" He yells and tears run down his face.

I race down to him and show Caden that I have Zori.

He stops screaming and hugs Phil some more.

It's actually really cute. I have a baby girl in my arms and Phil has a baby boy in his.

But crap. This is gonna be hard.

I mean just one baby is hard. But two...two...

Caden has brown hair and brown eyes and Zori has light-brown/blonde hair and blue eyes but you can tell that they are brother and sister.

He already is so protective of her.

We take the two back to our house where the officer says that if we need anything to call him, and then leaves us with them.

We need baby stuff.

"Um Phil. We need to go shopping." I say and he nods knowingly.

"Okay...I'll stay here with the babies while you go and get everything we need. Here. I'll write a list." He says and texts me a list of everything we need.

Wow. It's a lot.

I nod my head and head off to the store.

It takes a phandomOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant