Chapter 13:Planning

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A/N Hey guys, this chapter will be mostly in Jack's pov, except for the very beginning, this chapter is 5 months after you and don't worry, just cause they are getting married, doesn't mean im ending the book, it's still gonna go on for a while,thanks, now onto the chapter!

~~~~~Y/N's POV~~~~~

"HEY JACK, IM GONNA TAKE AMY OUT FOR TODAY, OK, I WON'T BE BACK TILL AROUND 8 OR SO!" you yell to jack."OK!" he yells back. You take Amy and put her into her car seat, and get in. You start the car and pull out of the driveway, ready to spend a day with your daughter.

~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~~

Well, since Y/N is going out with Amy for the day. That leaves me by myself, time to start planning for the proposal. You get out your phone and text Mark.

Me-Hey Mark, you there?

Mark-Yeah, what's up?

Me-I need some help planning the proposal, you wanna come over and help?

Mark- Well, id be happy too, but, won't Y/N suspect something's up?

Me-Nope, her and Amy went out for a while, they won't be back till 8

Mark-Cool, then I'll be right over!

Me-Ok, see you in a few

You go your room and get your wallet, then, 10 minutes later, you hear knock at the door. "Im coming." you tell them. You open the door, and see Mark standing there, "Hey buddy, come on in" you say to him.

~~~~~Le TIme Skip Brought To You By A Lazy Author~~~~~~

You and Mark just finished planning out how your gonna do the proposal, and who all is coming. "Have you bought a ring yet?" he asks you. "No, and I was gonna go today, I was hoping you would come with me." you tell him. "I don't see why not. You two go to the nearest jewelry shop and pick out the best ring you could find. You go back home. You go and put the ring in your sock drawer. You hear the front door open. "JACK! IM HOME!!!" Y/N yells. "YEAH DADDY, WE'RE HOME!!" you hear Amy yell.

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