Chapter 23:Oh No Part:3

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A/N HEY GUYS, I'M BACK, AFTER SO FLIPPING LONG!!!!! I'm sorry for being so long, I've been on vacation, actually just got back from a trip to Gatlinburg,TN. Thank you guys SOOO MUCH for being patient and just hanging in there. Anyway, enough of this thing, onto the story ALLONZ-Y!

~~~Jack's POV~~~

You, Mark and Lily are trying to think of a plan to save Y/N. "WHAT SHOULD WE DO" you say to them. "I don't know" responds Mark. You sat down on the couch and heard a crinkling sound. You stand up, and there is a note sitting where you just were.  

The not reads as follows: 

Dear Jack, 

If you ever want to see your precious Y/N again, you will meet our demands.First, we want $100,000 in ransom.

                                                                                                                                                    Your enemy, US

P.S. The address is the 123 Generic road name LN, and come with no weapons.

You call the police and tell them about it. You, Lily, and Mark go to the police station. They give you the money, and tell you the plan. "Okay, Mr.Mcloughlin, here's the plan. You will go to the place with the money, and we will follow a bit far behind you. You go in, and when you have done the exchange, press a button on this pager, and it will signal us to come in, and arrest them." You agree, and then you set the plan into play. You drive to the place, which is actually the place were you first met Y/N. You go in, and everything falls into place. Except for the exchange. You give them the money. But, they refuse to hand over Y/N. So, you page the cops. And then, they burst through the door. They attack Brad and Anti-Jack. Y/N is so happy to see you. She runs up and buries her head in your chest. She starts crying softly. She has many scratches, cuts, and bruises all over her body. Shortly afterwords, Y/n is at the hospital, with no severe injuries. "Y/N will have to stay in the hospital for the night, so we can monitor her vitals.You are welcome to stay with her over night." The doctor tells you. 

~~~Le time skip~~~

~~~Y/N's POV~~~

(Location:Hospital;Time:9:25 P.M.)

You are surrounded by complete darkness. You can't see anything. But then, out of the blackness, emerges 2 white eyes, and white, bloody, teeth. Then, you hear, in a hissy voice "You think that will stop me. Oh no, you are sadly mistaken." Then, appears a knife. It lurches forward, and gets you right in the abdomen. You awake screaming. It was a bloodcurdling scream. You start sobbing loudly, and uncontrollably. Your body is jerking and twisting. Jack ran up to you. Screaming for a doctor. The heart monitor shows that your heart is beating at a very fast pace. 

~~~Jack's POV~~~

You wake to hear Y/N screaming. You run over to her, her body twisting and jerking frantically. She is sobbing very hard. You scream for a doctor. A doctor and many nurses run in. Shortly after, Y/N's body stops jerking. She is just sobbing. The doctor told you it was terror-induced panic, but you still don't leave Y/N;s side. You are lying next to her on the bed, hugging her tightly. You slowly slip into a deep sleep. 

~~~Time Skip~~~

~~~Jack's POV~~~

You wake up before Y/N, you just lie there, embracing her. After a while, she wakes up. She turns over to you, and says groggily "Morning baby, sleep well?" "Yeah, what about you?" you respond. She kisses you quickly on the lips, and sits up. You sit up, too. Your hear your stomach rumble. "Hey, I brought an extra change of clothes. So go get changed, and I'll sign you out. Then, we can go get something to eat, and head home." You say. She nods, still a bit sleepy. On your way home, you grab some food from Hardy's, and you head home to  hang out with your wife-soon to be. You actually have planned the wedding service. It's going to be happening in a week, on the 25th of March. Why the 25th of march? It was actually the date you first met Y/N, 1 and a half years ago. 

A/N Hey guys, it's TheDoctor. Welp, that was the chapter. I hope you like it, I actually put alot of time and thought into this. So, yeah, :P. Anyway, that's all I have to say for now, and as always, I will see you, In the next chapter. BUH-BYEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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