Chapter 7: Oh No!

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A/N Hey guys, I am feeling much better, but please don't kill me for this chapter, anyway, hope you guys enjoy, and i will talk to ya later. Word Goal:600 Words LET'S DO DIS!!!! From now on, i will be making long chapters. BYYEEEE!!!!!! 

Y/N's POV---




~~~~~~Le Time Skip Brought to you by The Doctor~~~~~~~~~

The Time is 11:45.

You get home and see a note on the door. You read it outloud

Note Begins

 Dear Y/N, 

I went to the bowling alley with Mark, and a couple of my other friends. 

Wont Be Back Till 12:00.

Love you, From-Jackaboy.

Note Ends Here

 You sigh, and walk in the door. 

You go to the kitchen, and put the milk in the fridge. You hear some rustling around behind you. 'WHOSE THERE! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!' "Im Back Y/N, did you miss me?" says a familiar voice, he emerges from the shadows, and you instantly realize who it is! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!!" You look down and see he has a knife in his hand. "W-what are y-you doing with that!?" You exclaim stuttering from pure fear. "Oh nothing, just can't have you running around,spilling to people about what happened during our 'relationship', and getting me into trouble. You back up slowly, you feel your back hit the counter corner. He came at you with the knife, and stabbed you in the stomach/chest twice, once in the Appendix, and once right next to the left kidney. Then he stabs you in the legs 3 times, He leans into your ear and whispers 'Ever tell anyone about what happened, and there is more where this came from'. he walked out the front door, well more like ran out the front door. The last thing you remember was Jack yelling your name, and you saying, "J-Jack" "Jack, I Love You", then you blacked out

Jack's Pov (When he came in to you on the ground, bleeding nearly to death) 

You are walk in the door and see the kitchen light on, 'Y/N, I'm home!" You yell. You get no response. "She's probably asleep" you say to yourself. you hear your stomach growl."Time for some grub"you walk into the kitchen. you see blood on the floor. "Y-Y/N?" You see her body on the floor, she is loosing alot of blood. you run over. "Y/N!, Y/N!", "J-Jack"she softly said back You start crying., "Jack, I Love You "Y-Y/N, no, no, no!!!!" you start crying even harder, you dial 911 and tell them what has happened. "Y/N, Stay With Me, please, don't die on me. Not now." You sob extremely hard, "Jack, are you ok?" you hear Mark say, as he walks over to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"  You yell to him "Is he ok, you can hear Lily faintly ask Mark. "He just needs some alone time."

-Time Skip-

Jack's POV

It's been about  a week and a half scince what happened to Y/N. 

You are at the hospital, waiting for the Doctor's to come get you, she is alive, but suffered many fatal blows to her chest and legs. Luckly, she gets to come home at the end of this week(it's wednesday in the story.) Time for a vlog.

Vlog Begins here

WHAPSSSHHH, TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE, AND TODAY, I AM JUST DOING A VLOG, the first reason is to say im sorry about not posting any videos for the past week and a half. second reason, to tell why, well, because my girlfriend is in the hospital, i am not comfortable with reveiling why just yet, but i promise, i will at some point, but agian, i would like to say im sorry, and also i want to, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO, IF YOU LIKED IT, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON, IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS, AND HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND, BUT THANK YOU GUYS, AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES!!!!!  IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A/N, hey guys, just wanted to say, hoped you liked the chapter, there will be more to come, but don't worry, not very many more like this, unless you want it, but anyeays, talk to you guys later BBBYYYYYEEEEEE! Final Word Count:744 words

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