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Sam Swarek POV:

Oliver, Peck and I wait patiently to hear news on Andy. When we arrived, she was rushed into theatre and Oliver and Peck arrived 5 minutes later.

"Relatives' of Ms. McNally?" a nurse finally comes out with news.

Oliver, Peck and I stand up. The nurse leads us to Andy's room which was in ICU and we entered the room. Andy looked as white as the bed sheets she was lying on.

"Is she going to be all right?" Peck finally asks.

"Well Ms. McNally did lose a lot of blood but she will fully recover."

Andy was going to be awake in a few hours and all we had to do was wait. Oliver had radioed in saying he wasn't going to leave the hospital until she had woken up. Then someone on the other end said something that made Oliver fearful. When he finally got off the radio, I asked him what it was. I knew Andy was his goddaughter so that made me really care for him and for her.

"Traci thinks that Andy's being targeted."

"What? Who could Andy have possibly pissed off that much?"

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