Andy wakes up

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Sam Swarek POV:

Another officer had came to take my statement and I told them exactly what I saw. Click of a gun. Andy being shot and then her lying a pool of blood. Afterwards Oliver and Peck had to go back to get changed.



"If anything changes you know I'm only a phone call away."

As Oliver walked out of the room Andy's eyes started to flutter.

"Ollie! Andy's awake!" I say in delight.

Oliver runs back into the room and stays there for about three hours.

"Hey Andy. How are you?"

"What do you expect? Been shot in the stomach below the safety vest but apart from that I feel alright," Andy replies.

Three days later and Andy's finally being discharged. She's gonna be living with Oliver for a bit but he said I can take time off work for as long as I need and I was even offered to stay over at his for a while.


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