Oh No!

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Hi guys it's Isabelle. I don't think I am going to be writing atlantis but if u want me to keep going just tell me.
I hope u enjoy this chapter
First one

P.s if you actually read this you deserve a reward


"Fiona are you packed the moving van is waiting?" My mum said as she was walking up the stairs.

My door opened and a head popped round the door. My mum , Janet , dressed in her usual black top with skinny jeans and hair down. Same old , same old diamond earrings and necklace that my father , Paul, gave to her for a wedding gift walked in and peered around the room.

I don't know what's up. She has that look on her face.

She asked me why I wasn't packed and then blabbered on about us being late until...

Honk, Honk!

It was like I was in the middle of a stampede. I was flung aside onto my bed and all I heard was "oh no , oh no ,oh no , oh no" from my mum.

"What's the matter?" I asked. Even though, anyone who properly new me new I didn't really care.

"The , the mo-ovving van ha has l left" she said in a worried, monotone voice.

" Oh no I have to go catch it , it has all my food in there!" I said screaming while running down the stairs.

No it isn't strange. I love food!

I knocked my mum onto my bed in the process but it doesn't matter.
She did it to me!

So picture this... Me running down the street chasing after a moving van in my little mermaid pjs and fluffy bunny slippers screaming my head off

It's quite a sight to see. Isn't it.

After -what seemed like- five minutes I gave up. Defeatedly, I shuffled over to the pavement and threw myself onto it.

That couldn't have been anymore of a bad decision. I whacked my elbow against a tree and my slipper is now half submerged in mud.

Sadly, I trudged home with,
1. No Food
2. A bruised elbow
3. And a muddy slipper
Could this day get any worse.

Oh yea, it can. Did i mention we are moving to an old house 200 miles away from anything.


Well we are.

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