Oh i hate her

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Hi de hi,
so I'm on my holiday so I will be posting allot more.
Chapter two
Here we goooooooo! * slo mo *
Sos bit short


"Muuuuuuummmm!" I yelled as I opened the front door.

Suddenly mum and dad came barging into the room.
My dad said "Fiona, how could knock your mother over like that and ru-" he stopped and looked me up and down. Stunned, my mum said "what on earth have you done to yourself". "You look like you've just been on (and failed at) total wipeout."

So I told them all about the mayhem of what just happened when the phone rang.

My mum went, had a chat and came back.

"Fiona Charlotte-Mary Copper!"

Oh no. Something's always wrong when she uses my full name.

"You're grounded!" She bellowed

"Wait, what why?" I asked, totally and utterly astounded!

"Because the nice man in the truck said that a fluffy bunny slipper hit his windscreen wipers broke them, and it bounced off into a pile of mud, that's why!" Mum yelled.

"Oh yeah I might have forgot to mention that," I said guiltily.

You know it isn't that bad I got grounded because when we move there is nowhere to go.so joke on her!

Well apart from school.

I went upstairs to get changed into some less muddy and less embarrassing looking pjs.

When I got up to my room I found an anonymous letter -untouched- on my dressing table.

I picked it up cautiously, opened it read it and threw it on the floor in horror.

Inside was the name Shannon darling!

Now you're all probably wondering why the name Shannon darling is soooooooooo bad.

Well let me tell you....

*flashback ripples*

Shannon's POV

"Hey there's Fiona," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Yeah so what about her?" Asked penny , my good friend.

"Look, just look!" I yelled.

Everyone's eyes turned to me. My cheeks turned pink in disgust.

"Stop being nosey!" I bellowed over the year 3 classroom.

That got me dirty looks from my teacher.

Penny hastily examined her and realised what I was telling her to look at.

"It's her top isn't it," penny said proud as punch.

"No, she's eating a willy wonka chocolate bar!" I mumbled quietly.

"Oh," penny replied.

"Watch this," I said happily.

I walked evilly over to Fiona. Poor little Fiona.

I said hi and then at that very moment I snatched it out of her hands and threw it into the sand pit.

I quickly ran away to see Fiona's face go red with anger.

Knowing from previous occasions I went over to our teacher for protection.

"Hahahaah you can't get me now!" I mouthed behind my teachers back.

*flash forward ripples*

So can u see why I hate her?

The letter read

* dear Fiona,

Can't wait to see you at your new school!

Looks like we will be in the same class!


See you there
From your best friend,

Shannon darling xx*

Ohhhh how I hate her

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