"What are these?"

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Hi hello, is it me you're looking for? I can see it in your eyes!
Is it just me or did anyone picture that guy singing it on BGT.

By the way----- Loved him

Chapter three
Ok! *said in a cheerleaderish way*


" Please can you pass the Pringles?" I asked my dad.

Even though they were right next to me I was lodged I between my mum and dad in the moving van so I couldn't move an inch.

Soon enough, a box of cheese and onion Pringles was tossed onto my lap.

"What are these?" I asked, just because they both clearly knew cheese and onion was my LEAST FAVOURITE flavour.

"Pringles," dad said as if I was a baby learning to speak.

I decided not to say anything else because if I did I would probably be grounded for longer.

The three hour car journey wasn't that bad. We put on some cheesy songs and had our own little karaoke night, well day.

All we ate was junk food and my LEAST FAVOURITE flavour of Pringles.

We got a flat tire half way through the journey so that delayed us a while.

Luckily, we where near a gas station and I got my self some REAL Pringles instead of those pathetic ones.

The guy said that the tire would have to be changed.

So there goes another 2 hours of my precious life.

Well done pathetic van. You wasted some of my valuable time in a grubby gas station.

I hope your happy, I hope you're happy now. So you can grovel in submission to feed your own ambitttiiiooooonnnnn *from wicked*

I should really stop with all the songs!

We kept driving for a while after we FINALLY got back onto the road, soooo..........
I completely forgot that I was mad with them until...


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