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Even though the creatures of Jotunheim were dark and cold, Jotunheim itself was actually a beautiful place. I mean just think of it! Everything a beautiful shade of blue and the ice sculpted to perfection. It even sounds great. At first, I didn't want to leave! The thing is that I had no choice after I pissed off Laufey...

It was by far one of the bravest things I've ever done as a Jotun...

When I turned 50, I had to prove myself not only to the King of the Jotun, but also to the rest of them, including my family. I stood in front of the Laufey with my head held high, ready for what he told me to do. At first I thought, "What could possibly happen?" But then he told me to do something I would never be able to do no matter what it costed.

He told me to kill my mum....

They brought her out in chains and I knew I couldn't do it right when she looked into my eyes. It physically hurt my heart to see her look at me with those sad and disappointed eyes. It looked as if she thought I would kill her.

Her last words were, "No matter your decision, I'll always be proud of you. Don't forget that my son."

Right after that, she was killed, but I wasn't the one holding the sword....

I bet you can guess who killed her...

Laufey told me that I was weak for hesitating to kill my mother and that crossed the line. I realized that my mother was always right about the Jotun so being the smart kid I was, I mouthed off to the King....

"Weak? You call me weak for saving my family? That 'pathetic woman' you just killed was my mother! I don't care about my acceptance by the Jotun tribe because you're all cruel and heartless souls!"

Long story short, Laufey got pissed, I got pissed, we had a fight, and I was banished from Jotunheim for life. Whatever...

I was shunned by my father, by the rest of the Jotun, and I was never allowed to return to the land ever again. As long as my mother was proud, I couldn't care less....

From that point on, I traveled the Nine Realms looking for a new home...

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