Of Coffee Shops and a Gentlewoman (Faberry)

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Quinn Fabray secured the long scarf around her neck again before looping her arm with her companion, the slightly smaller Rachel Berry, once more. She had become rather tiresome in her attempt to wrap herself in as much warmth as possible, and so only gave a half hearted attempt.

Rachel had become quite accustomed to herself and the blonde's Saturday morning trips to the local coffee shop. If the truth be told, it was in fact the highlight of her week, but she'd never tell Quinn that, she'd never tell Quinn a lot of things, as a matter of fact. Such as a small feeling that once developed in kindergarten, but grew warmly throughout her heart, a heart that could easily belong to one Quinn Fabray, if she wasn't as oblivious to the way they treated their friendship.

She felt herself stop, and quickly looked in to bright orbs of green. "Rachel..Rachel?!" Blinking furiously she regained her senses after again becoming stuck in her thoughts that wrapped around one thing: Quinn

Quinn couldn't say she didn't love the way Rachel's eyes looked when she was thinking, or the way her nose would crinkle up in deep thought. In fact, Quinn couldn't say she didn't love anything about Rachel Barbra Berry. In her eyes, she makes her feelings towards the brunette very clear, but she doubts that she'd ever stop treating her like the lady she is, even though Rachel may take it a a joke or just a game that was special to their friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2013 ⏰

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