Chapter 1

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"Dammit Lapis let me go!" Jasper roared, tugging against the liquid chains as hard as she could. The blue gem hissed, pulling Jasper back roughly

"I told you no! stop fighting against me!" Malachite thrashed about wildly on the seabed, gripping its hair and screaming at the top of its lungs. They'd done this for weeks, months even. Everyday was the same, everyday was a battle which was soon becoming more difficult to win. Lapis's legs shook underneath the sheer pressure of the ocean. She was strong, incredibly more so than most but this was beginning to become too much for the water gem. It didn't help that Jasper was resisting very violently 24/7

"for the last time stop!" she shrieked, almost playing tug of war with the large gem. Jasper growled viciously, she was weakening but she knew she wasn't the only one.

"don't play stupid with me, you and I both know this will end badly if we stay here" Jasper spat out, pulling on the chains once more. Lapis stumbled forwards before regaining her balance. She hated to admit it but Jasper was right. Malachite was unstable. It wouldn't be long before they lost themselves. She still resisted to Jasper's pleas and shouts.

"we're staying here" Lapis said stubbornly.


Inside her home, (name) curled up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. It was only Autumn but at night it began to get rather cold very quickly. Blowing on her drink to cool it down she took a sip, sighing in content. (name) had moved her just a few months ago.

She didn't know where her parents were and honestly she didn't care. She left as soon as she had the money. To her beach city was perfect, quiet with nice people. She's made friends with the man working at the car wash, Greg and his son Steven. (name) found the boy adorable, always running round with his friend Connie. She had yet to meet the gems but Steven had told her plenty about them.

She got a job at a clothing store in town. Simply setting up the shelves and helping customers. This gave her enough money to rent a small house by the side of the beach. It was quite out of the way and took a while to walk to the town but she got her own space of the beach which not a lot of people visited. She was happy here. Unlike her old home.

However nothing could prepare her for the incidents about to play out in a matter of minutes.

Frowning outside at the window she saw rain beginning to fall from the sky. Closing her laptop she crawled over to the window, sitting beside it and watching the rain fall down.

"I've never seen it rain this hard before..." she muttered, squinting down on the beach and letting out a gasp. Faintly, in the water she could see a figure dragging itself from the sea.


Jasper gasped out when she rose to the surface. Breathing heavily she forced herself to a standing position. Dragging her huge body through the water she looked back at the vast ocean. Her and Lapis were not good for each other in any way.

They'd soon split and Jasper forced herself to swim as far away as she could from the water gem. Unfortunately from what she could see, she was still in the area she'd first landed in. Squinting slightly she could see a figure running across the beach towards her, was it a human? she didn't know since she'd collapsed onto the wet sand.

(name) hopped down the steps of her home and onto the beach. From what she could see the figure had fallen, or collapsed. Running towards the figure she had to stop to take her in.

She was huge! Most probably between 7 and 8 ft tall. Looking closer she could see the worn look on her face. Red stripes adorned her face and her nose was replaced with a orange looking gemstone. (name) shook herself out of her trance, kneeling down and shaking the figure by the shoulder gently

"are you awake?" she asked gently. Suddenly the figure grabbed her arm, pushing her back.

"stay away! I don't need help from a human" she seethed out, looking wildly around. (name) stood her ground. What did she mean by Human? Walking towards her again she was met with a growl

"oh don't be ridiculous!" (name) snapped, placing her hands on her hips. The figure was surprised at her confidence, especially since Jasper could most probably snap her in half with her bare hands. Trying to push herself up once more Jasper failed, falling back onto the sand. (name) was instantly by her side, trying to lift her arm up

"you're heavy! can you stand if I help you?" Jasper glared at the human. As much as she hated to admit it, she did need help. Pushing herself up on her two feet she leaned on the human. (name)'s legs nearly gave way at the weight but she gritted her teeth, walking along the sand and up the stairs to her home. She opened the door and lead Jasper to her sofa. The gem fell onto it, taking up the whole thing. (name) looked down at her, frowning

"are you alright now? do you want something to eat?" Jasper scoffed, sitting up.

"I don't need food like you humans" (name) looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"you don't eat food? that's-" She stopped herself, staring at the gem. She could faintly remember Steven telling her something about gems not eating...or was it not needing to breathe to survive?

"that're a gem? right?" Jasper's shoulders slumped

"so you know what gems are" she rasped out, resting her head on the back of the sofa. (name) nodded, sitting down on the window ledge.

"do you have a name?" Jasper looked at her

"of course I do fool!" Stopping herself from shouting at the human she spoke quietly and a tad softer, she did save her after all

"It's Jasper" (name) found herself smiling slightly

"i'm (name), do you wanna stay here for the night?" Jasper stood up quickly, only to loose her balance and fall back again

"Dammit! No..I need to find those gems." (name) tilted her head

"you mean the Crystal gems? you friends or something?" Jasper laughed, shaking her head

"far from it human, I have a deal to settle with them" she said, cracking her knuckles. (name) frowned

"It's (name), and that's not such a good idea considering you're on our planet, alone against 4 gems" Jasper turned to glare at the human

"what would you know? you're just a little human" she sneered. (name) turned to the orange gem, looking agitated.

"alright, fine. Leave. But don't drag your sorry ass back here when you get beaten up. You can hardly stand! You can either go out there and get the shit beaten out of you or stay here and eat cereal with me" Jasper stared at (name), looking to the side and pouting like a child

"fine, didn't have to be so blunt..." she muttered. Though inside she found herself respecting the human, standing up to a general like herself. She had a backbone. (name) smiled, standing up

"Just promise you won't break anything, you seem like the aggressive type..." Jasper smirked

"can't promise anything, (name)"

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