Chapter 2

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"(name) where did you put the cereal, I'm hungry"

"(name) make me something to eat"

"(name) I wanna punch something"

"i'm bored"

"Jasper for FUCKS sake shut up!" (name) screeched, slamming her laptop shut and glaring at the orange gem slouched on her sofa. Jasper stuck her tongue out at the human before going back to reading a book (name) had thrown at her a couple of hours ago.

Jasper had been stuck inside (name)'s house for a day now. The human did say that she would be safe on the beach but Jasper wanted to make sure she wasn't seen by the gems, or the Steven.

They did go out once, but only for a couple of minutes since Jasper seemed to attract a lot of seagulls, ending in (name) having the drag the gem back inside whilst scolding her for 'trying to fight the birds'. Flipping the page over Jasper groaned, resting her head against the cushion she spoke again

"(name) I wanna do something apart from reading human literature. This 'great expectations' is boring as hell, I wanna do something else" (name)'s eye twitched, getting more and more annoyed at Jasper's whining. Wasn't she a general on her planet? Then why was she acting like a child who was stuck inside on a rainy day? Looking over to the orange gem who was now upside down on the sofa she got up.

" I told you, go outside or something. I need to shower so just wait a couple minutes. I'll think of something" she said, leaving the room. Jasper could hear the sound of running water and a door being slammed shut after a few seconds.

Getting up she went into the kitchen. It was rather small, seeing that (name) was usually the only one who lived here so Jasper had to bend down slightly to get through the door. Rummaging through the cupboards her hand fell upon a blue box. Pulling it out she read the wording aloud

"Popcorn? weird..." she muttered, looking for any instructions on how to make the type of food. What the fuck was a microwave? The best she could do was make a bowl of cereal and some burnt toast (the fire alarm went off multiple times). Taking the box with her she walked down the small hallway up to the door to the bathroom. The water had stopped running so she assumed (name) had finished with her 'shower', was that was she called it?

Jasper didn't know. Opening the door she was met with steam to the face and a shocked look from the human. She was stood in the center of the room, having just got out the shower and squeezing the water from her hair.

The two stood in a stunned silence, Jasper not being able to take her eyes off the human's figure. With one swift movement (name) picked up a hairbrush, launching it in Jasper's direction

"FUCKING SHIT JASPER GET OUT!" she shrieked, wrapping the towel round her body. Jasper grunted in pain as the brush smacked her square in the face and tore her eyes away from the half naked female

"you should probably lock the door nex-" she stopped herself when she saw (name)'s furious expression

"sorry" she said quickly, shutting the door and walking as quickly as she could to the sofa. Jasper had to admit, she was nice to look at. A small blush rose to her cheeks at the thought of it but it quickly vanished when (name) appeared, fully clothes of course. Her face was bright red, not looking the gem in the eyes she went straight into the kitchen. Following her in Jasper quietly placed the box of popcorn on the counter. Almost laughing (name) looked up at her

"This was what the fuss was about?" Jasper nodded eagerly, watching as (name) taught her how to use the microwave.

"just...make sure i'm around to use it alright?" Jasper nodded, watching in awe as the bag expanded inside the microwave until it was done. Sitting back on the sofa she devoured the food in a matter of minutes. (name) rolled her eyes, laughing a little until her eyes fell on the clock. Shooting up she ran out of the room, grabbing her bag.

"Crap i'm late for work! GottagoJasperseeyouinafewhours!" she called, pulling her coat on and opening the door. Jasper got up

"(name)?" the human turned round breathlessly, looking at the gem.

"what is it?"

"you look good with no clothes on"


She deserved that.

Stubborn - Jasper x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now