pony no.12!

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Spike:new pony coming!
Nerdy cake:from jadedragon13
Pony number 12 ! Name blood moon,cutie mark red moon with a microphone in front.so here
comes!welcome blood moon!
Blood moon:hey.
Twilight:hi I'm princess Twi...
Blood moon:I know you're princess twilight sparkle,and she's princess celestia and you're um princess cadence and princess Luna right?
Twi:well you already knew are names.!
Blood moon:ow and she's princess ash wing right?
(Then she started to tell every pony 's names .)
Twi:well you already knew are names!are you a discoverer?
Blood moon:of course not!um. Just a little!
Twi:so what is your dare?
Blood moon:I dare flash and twilight to sing flashlight ,Jessie j.
And cadence and shining armor tell your big news!
Twilight:well OK!where is flash?
Flash: ( talking at music hearts )
Music hearts:(laughs and blushed)
Twi:?!flash!come over here we have a dare!
Flash:ow sorry!got to go heart!
Twi:?!we got to sing flashlight together!
Flash:OK!u start first
Twi:when the night comes I'll be on my own feeling frightened of the things that I don't know
Flash:when tommorow comes tommorow comes
Music hearts: wait wait wait!that's already fine!
Flash:k!twilight can i!?
Twi:k*why didn't he called me Twi and some sweet words that I always heated!*(twilight whispered to herself)
Flash and music hearts:(both laugh)
Twi:(leaves the palace and cried)
Every pony:?huh?!
Spike:well maybe she just forgot to buy some lunch !

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