is it real?

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nerdy cake:im back!

bloomy:hey hey hey!                                                                    

music hearts:hey hey hey(says in a music tone)

princess ash wing:im here.

night rain:miss yall guys!

moonlight:did i miss sometin?


twilight:rainbow dash what are you doing?you are not an oc!(says in a whisper tone)

rd:oh.i thought all of us will nevermind.....(1 second ago)so thats why they are ocs.

twi:sorr for the interruption.okay lets move on(5 seconds)wondering why all of the ocs greeted us?well except for rainbow dash sorry.because there is a new member of oc and this oc is from 

@Music_Note1000 and the pony's name is musicnote but we are not meeting her today cause @Music_Note1000 has not send us the pony's characteristic like for example she likes music blah blah blah and what she is like example pegasus her mane her cutie mark so if 

@Music_Note1000 is reading this please tell all her characteristic and what she is like thank you.


twi:don't worry ponies we will meet her soon .okay let's move on and let's just read the dares.spike?

spike:okay(reads the paper)okay first dare .from @GoldenSwirlLuvs  and her dare is for soarindash to stay in the closet for 7 minutes and they need to survive to tell the truth that they love each other or kissing.

every pony:woah.

rd:(whistling going outside)

twi:hey hey hey rd where ya goin?(pulls rd with magic)come on rd dont be kj or else goldenswirl will get upset to you if ya didnt do the dare.

rd:okay ill do it!


rd:but just from the dare.

twi:yey!now ill call soarin 

rd:you know twilight maybe his busy with the wonderbolts so yeah maybe we ll do the dare later .

twi:awww rainbow dash worried but FYI today is MONDAY im sure that they'll understand it.


rarity:i brought my lovely closet where i put all of my favorite gowns i made see it for yourself and i also add roses around it so that it will looked romantic.yey!

pinkie:yey yey yey!(bouncing)i liked to go inside the closet!

rarity:no no no darling this closet is only for mare ponies (giggles)

rd:what?i heard that!

pinkie and rarity:(giggles)

aj:hey rarity what a lovely closet you have!you should put some apple juice and allot of apples inside for them to eat sugarcube.

rarity:im sorry applejack but this closet is only for dresses and mare ponies and not a restaurant.and no one goes inside.ever.

pinkie:how about ballons?

fluttershy :animals?

rarity:no no no no!

pinkie:awww .fluttershy rarity is acting so weird.i need to go inside that closet.!(corner)

fs:but she said its only for mare ponies!

pinkie:i dont care!something is strange over there.(pinkie sneaks inside the closet while rarity is not looking.pinkie enters and red the sign it said ONLY FOR MARE PONIES.she finds nothing but allot of dresses and gets out)aww i dint found anythin.

rarity:(looking atpinkie)what are you doing pinkie inside my closet?i told you not to enter but mare ponies!

pinkie:ooops...(runs away.)

rarity:hope she didnt finds anything.

honk honk! what is rarity hiding  inside that closet?and why is she acting so strange?i hope not bad news.....thanks for reading!be sure to vote comment and follow!!!!!


           luv yall!!!!!!!

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