the truth!!!!

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twi:okay today is Wednesday and soarindash still havent showed up what took them so long?maybe it's time for me to knock

just then rarity showed



rarity:just give them minutes darling please understand

pinkie:we can't already take it!!!

twi:okay rarity i know you were hiding something tell the truth now please!!!

aj;don't worry sugarcube w aint tellin it to someone !

fs:and besides we friends are only inside this hall...

rarity:the truth?!this is the truth !do you all promise that all of you will keep it?

the mane 4:yes of course!

rarity:okay so here it goes.......


felisha:okay so first stop !we are heading to our famous swan lake ride and please enjoy remember tell all your feelings!!!!


felisha:nothing!(talks to another fairy)okay guys this is fillia she will guide you here at fairy ponies lovr  lake gotta go bye!(flies fastly)

soarin:i never knew this place also has this kinda ride

rd:it's just normal but this isnt our dare .

(starts to go inside the ride{looks just like a fairy with allot of roses})

soarin:rainbow dash?

rd:um........ yeah?

soarin :just wondering if i can ask you some questions?

rd:sure!(her not normal voice just like girly girly)

soarin:i know you are a fast flier just wondering if you can join wonderbolts im just asking if you didn't like it's alright.(asks shyly )

rd:are you serious?!i would love to!!!!i would .....

soarin:thanks !(hugs rd tightly )

rd:(shocked  and hugs back)(then pullls)nah it was just nothing !oh look we are already at then end of the lake!(rd said trying to change the subject then points)



rd:any what?!(rd asked confused)

felisha:oh nothin!

(by the way felisha looks like that ty)(felisha turns back):oh darn it !i didn't fulfilled my promise from rarity!(whisper tone)

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(by the way felisha looks like that ty)(felisha turns back):oh darn it !i didn't fulfilled my promise from rarity!(whisper tone)

(and by the way fillia looks like this)

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